Let’s listen to Thierry Sénéclauze: A serial entrepreneur and project leader.
Since 2015 he has been interested in the production of microalgae for 3rd generation fuels and, more particularly, in the industrialization of production processes.
“Here is my counter-proposal to all-electricity, whose limits have already been demonstrated,” Mr. Seneclauze mentioned.
Thermal engines have a future with green fuel. After the 1st generation biofuels produced from food plant matter (rapeseed, sunflower, cereals, etc.) and the 2nd generation biofuels produced from lignocellulosic biomass (wood, straw), now on the market appears the 3rd generation in full expansion.
This new generation involves producing biodiesel from vegetable oil produced by microalgae. The main advantages of this new biofuel are:
- Reduced carbon footprint: microalgae consume a large amount of CO2 during their cultivation.
- No competition with food: as microalgae are grown in photobioreactors, it is possible to use non-arable land, unlike soya or rape.
- High production capacity: the oil produced can reach up to 80% of the dry matter depending on the algal strain used.
- Small area required: 49 to 132 times smaller than that required for rapeseed and soya.
“Energy independence is a priority and a national and even more so a European issue,” says the former elected member of the Regional Council of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region and a Member of the Agriculture, Renewable Energies, Environment, International Relations and Foreign Trade Commissions. Environment, International Relations and Foreign Trade.
The annual need for diesel alone in France is 26 million tons in 2021, mixed with 10% oil, thus a need for 2.6 Mt/year of oil, while Sénagri will produce 9,300 t/year on this first unit and plans to multiply the concept on the national territory. It will take 280 installations to meet the national need alone. (560 for the B20 and up to 2800 for the B100).

The impact on the French trade balance would be massive: 2.6 Mt/year at $1600 (price observed on the markets today) corresponds to 4.16 billion in annual earnings.
The industrial installation will be productive from the end of the year, with a SUSTAINABLE PROCESS with, in particular, a featured process based on the particular metabolism of the strain used, which is said to be mixotrophic. This means that the microalgae can carry out photosynthesis in normal conditions (autotrophy) but that in conditions unfavorable to its survival, it can use the sugars present in its environment to manufacture reserves, notably in the form of oil (heterotrophy).
The initial phase in the 8000 photobioreactors, the photosynthesis phase, will lead to a second phase in agitated tanks and in the presence of sugars (more than 50% of the oil mass).

“As far as support for this challenge is concerned, I have taken the best: Unicorn Gulf!” Mr. Seneclauze says in a loud voice,
Indeed, Licorne Gulf has been mandated to provide support, assistance, and advice and to keep a close eye on the interests of the Senagri project.