5 Steps to Launching a Business Podcast

5 Steps to Launching a Business Podcast
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Podcasts are quite popular these days – and if you’re looking for creative new ways to market your business, you might want to consider launching one! Perhaps you’ve been reading up on new marketing trends in Markets Herald, and you’re eager to test out this strategy to demonstrate your authority within your industry. If you’re curious about starting a business podcast, these guidelines will walk you through the process!

Planning for Episodes

First, you’ll need to ensure that you’ll have enough relevant content for ongoing episodes. If you only have enough ideas to fill a couple of episodes, you need to think bigger! How can you find inspiration for episode topics? RSS recommends asking your existing social media audience, researching popular search queries based on keywords your customers use, or reading forums about topics that are relevant to your industry. It’s a good strategy to start out with a long list of ideas so that you can pre-record a few episodes before your initial launch and release several at once to kick things off.

As you map out topics for future episodes, you can also identify potential guests for your podcast. You may want to invite local experts in your industry, audience members who can volunteer their expertise on important topics, or personal friends who have interesting insights to offer to your customers. Think beyond your close network, and don’t hesitate to reach out to public figures who might be interested!

Production Process

If you’ve never recorded a podcast before, you might be wondering what the production process really looks like, and what kind of equipment you’ll need to pull it off. You should have a laptop or desktop computer, a microphone, headphones, recording and editing software, and a space where you can record without picking up the white noise.

When it comes to editing and polishing your episodes, you may want to outsource tasks to a freelance podcast producer. You can seek out the right person for the job on online freelance job boards.

Hosting Your Podcast

To make it easy for your customers to find and listen to your podcast, you can host episodes on your company’s website. But you’ll also want to make it available through other popular platforms, such as Spotify, iTunes, and even YouTube!

Promotion Tips

How can you make sure that your audience knows that your podcast is available? Putting together a promotion strategy is key! Podreacher recommends sending an announcement to your email subscribers, creating audio clips to share episode highlights on social media, and even building blog posts around your podcast content. If you had a guest speaker on, you can also request that they promote the episode to their own audience.

For more ambitious promotional efforts, you can aim to become a guest on other companies’ podcasts, book speaking engagements at live events, or connect with bloggers and journalists to have your podcast linked in media content.

Creating Marketing Materials

Although using sound bites from your podcast can be a powerful marketing tool, you’ll also need visual marketing materials to complement this strategy. For instance, if you’re going to post about your podcast on social media, you’ll need photos to accompany this content. You might need to create an image cut out by removing a background. To do this, you can try a free image background remover – simply upload the image to the app, take away the background, and add your own if you’d like!

Creating a business podcast is a lot of work. But the effort can pay off for your company! With these tips, you’ll be ready to launch your very own business podcast.

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