A Comprehensive Guide to Cholesterol Tests

A Comprehensive Guide to Cholesterol Tests
© Hush Naidoo Jade Photography

A cholesterol test can be used by your physician to determine the quantity of “bad” and “good” lipids as well as triglycerides in the blood. A lipid is a soft, sticky fat that the body requires to work efficiently, however, too much of it can cause a stroke, heart issues, and artery-clogging.

A heart health test could assist you in evaluating your chance of plaques forming in your blood vessels, which can restrict and clog vessels all over the body.

Who Is at Risk For High Cholesterol?

You are at risk of getting high lipids if you:

  • smoke
  • have a history of heart issues or high blood
  • are obese or overweight
  • have a bad diet
  • are stressed
  • consume too much alcohol
  • have sedentary lifestyle
  • have a kidney problem, thyroid issue, or diabetes

All of these variables might increase your chances of getting the condition.

What Does the Test Measure?

A cholesterol test measures the types of fats or lipids in the blood. These may include:

  • LDL: This is considered a bad lipid. It increases your chance of stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart attack if you consume too much of it.
  • Triglycerides: When you eat, your body turns the calories it doesn’t require into triglycerides, which are then deposited in fat cells. These could be high in those who are obese, diabetic, consume too much sugar, or drink excessively.
  • HDL: This is known as “good” lipid since it aids in the removal of LDL from the bloodstream.
  • Total Cholesterol: This is the overall amount of cholesterol in the blood.

What to Expect During a Test?

Most cholesterol tests just need a blood sample to examine your lipid levels. A blood test is a technique that can be done without having to go to a doctor and can be done at home using a home cholesterol test like this. It only takes just a few minutes and isn’t very painful. The more accurate tests generally take a sample before the results are analyzed in a diagnostic laboratory.

The price will vary depending on the service provider you select. The risks associated with a cholesterol test are extremely low. You may feel dizzy or faint, and the location where your blood was collected may be sore or painful. A very little chance of infection exists at the location of the sample collection

How to Prepare for This Test?

For a standard home cholesterol test, you should follow the instructions included with the kit. Some kits might require the blood to be sampled in the morning, others might say in the evening after a full day of eating.

Unless you are doing a comprehensive lipid profile test, you don’t have to worry about fasting for a home test, although more accurate results might be obtained in the morning or afternoon.

If you are in any doubt, make sure you follow your physician’s advice. Remember that if you don’t follow through, it will impact your results.