American Honda Light Trucks Find Silver Lining in Challenging 3rd Quarter for Auto Industry

American Honda Light Trucks Find Silver Lining in Challenging 3rd Quarter for Auto Industry

– Sales of Honda electrified vehicles set new annual sales mark during Q3; Insight sets September record

– Acura TLX drives brand to best Q3 sedan sales since 2017; Type S boosts sales and showroom traffic

– Acura RDX posts best September and Q3 since 2018 as limited inventory restrains sales of hot MDX flagship

“The enduring nature of the microchip shortage and port congestion issues continue to constrain the entire industry, but we are encouraged by the record sales of Honda models where we have adequate inventory,” said Dave Gardner, executive vice president of National Operations at American Honda. “We appreciate the patience of our customers as our associates, our suppliers and our dealers continue working to supply Honda and Acura products to meet their needs.”