The revival of the ‘Low Poly Papercraft’ style of art with the concept of ‘Le Bateau’ was already a surprise to the world. Yet it seems that Arcanis is not finished with his surprises, if his TikTok account is any indicator. Arcanis is present on all popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. However, the story on TikTok is extremely different from those on all the other platforms.
Whether it be acquiring a rush of subscribers or introducing different ideas, Arcanis seems to do it all on the TikTok platform.
What made Arcanis’s TikTok account a success from the first week?
The number of followers/subscribers and overall likes across Arcanis’s different social accounts tell different stories. For example, he does not have a lot of followers on YouTube, but things are different on TikTok. The popularity and huge user base of TikTok might be one of the reasons behind that, but there is much more to it.
One of the biggest surprises to people who follow Arcanis was his achieving more than 30,000 followers on his TikTok account within one week of creating it. While he created this account like all other accounts, things were slightly different this time. One reason behind this huge TikTok following in such a short time is that fans of Arcanis and the Le Bateau concept were spreading the word.
Arcanis usually only leaves his signature on his artwork, but on TikTok, he introduced the new idea of including the names of his fans. Followers may comment with their names, and in a new video, Arcanis will write their names on his artwork. One amazing example is the metal shoe on which Arcanis wrote the names of many of his followers, specifically on the ‘Nike’ logo.
Soon there were numerous other comments, and the entire shoe was covered with the names of people who commented and wanted to be incorporated into the artwork. This offered his followers something unique. Due to Arcanis’s knowledge and approach to art, he is blessed with qualities not shared by many others, making him considerably unique.
How is Arcanis creating a new concept of collaboration?
When Arcanis first came up with these fan collaborations, the idea went unnoticed. However, bringing the idea to the TikTok platform was what he needed to change things. Usually, celebrities collaborate publicly or meet with one another. Arcanis’s idea was a bit different.
As he would take names from the comments and then write them on his artwork, it allowed everyone on the TikTok platform to collaborate with him. It might currently be of no value to those who have their names on those art pieces. However, this idea took the TikTok world by storm, which led to over 30,000 people following Arcanis on the platform.
His main idea was to give a large number of people the chance to collaborate with him on his designs. Arcanis wanted to work on ideas other than La Bateau, which was already famous. So, he took things to the next level and created an additional series of artworks that was iconic in a unique way. The wide range of options included Nike Air Jordan, Pokemon, a Hermès bag, and more.

What does Arcanis’s TikTok account show?
Arcanis is active on many digital platforms and launches his artwork on all of them. However, his TikTok account has bloomed more than any other, which shows that one needs to target the right platform.
Going for the right audience can give an artist the success they deserve. While his videos on YouTube may not be getting much attention, the TikTok account has been stormed by users. His fan following on TikTok has responded well to how he introduces unique artwork and new ideas for collaboration.
Arcanis may be known for his Le Bateau artwork, but on his TikTok profile, people love him for all the new and unique ideas he presents. Historical and modern-day art is showcased there, but his expertise in the world of metalworking is what he shows the most on TikTok.
Will there be any other surprises from Arcanis?
Nobody knows what Arcanis might do next. He started his professional career after graduating as a metalworker. His passion for art made him quit working in that field, but he stuck with metalworking to create art as no other artist had done.
The Le Bateau art concept was what made him famous. He has hosted exhibitions featuring those artworks and has some limited edition products available, complete with authenticity certificates. All of this – the Le Bateau concept, brand deals, and TikTok collaboration – have surprised his admirers. In the future, he might become a social media star, or you may see him associated with some luxury brand.
As he has already signed deals with some top brands worldwide, this looks likely to happen. Something else that Arcanis may do in the future to surprise his followers is take his art to the metaverse with the help of NFTs and collaborate with some world-leading NFT artists.
Having an influential online presence is what brings success to many individuals today. Arcanis has double the advantage because he is present on all platforms, and his art is something else. The best platform for Arcanis is TikTok, where he can post short videos, communicate well with his followers, and bring up fresh ideas. Surprisingly, he has been doing all that since the day he created his TikTok account. This success is only the beginning for an artist like Arcanis, who holds the amazing potential to host global-level exhibitions, partner with some of the world’s leading fashion brands, and collaborate with star artists. So, there is surely a lot more success left for Arcanis to achieve. What is evident to all is his expertise in metalworking, the aestheticism in his work, and his passion for art.