Billance – Is a globally trusted, as well, internationally recognized digital assets platform. But we hear you asking, why Billance and what exactly, makes Billance, different?
So, as an introduction to one of the safest, most efficient, and most effective global digital assets platforms, currently on the market. Billance, allows users to, not only make investments but to make them and to keep real and tangible ROIs. Accordingly, to do it with a significantly reduced fear of loss, which is always prevalent within this space, for many reasons such as market volatility and or unscrupulous individuals. Whatever the reason, Billance, after having consulted with industry thought leaders, internal advisors, as well, our own users and or community, has decided enough is enough and has initiated a strategy that effectively provides solutions to such fears and or pain points.
Taking this into consideration, the Billance platform is now both tested and trusted, and with the introduction of new technologies, as well, pioneering algorithms. Has now become one of the safest, secure, and most reliable digital asset platforms, for global investors, on the market today. Equipped with industry-leading technologies, such as a core aggregation engine that is the most advanced of its kind, as well, having extreme processing speeds with fault tolerance features. Helps to solve such issues that give rise to the huge volume of transactions and or settlements. All of which, allows, investors to trade assets and or funds, with ease and with, total peace of mind.
So, let’s take a look at some unique selling points or USPs. Does that actually make, Billance, better, than its competitors?

Platform Security
Billance has made it its primary concern, to provide its platform, as well its users, with the best security and peace of mind possible. With this in mind, an insurance fund of $20 Million has been set up, with the accessibility of payments being made within 24 hours. This then compensates all users in real-time, for any losses, especially so, when it is an error from the platform itself.
24/7 Customer Service That’s Efficient
Our customer service team is highly professional, aware, and alert to any issues and or problems that may come. So, they not only check, but, respond on a real-time basis, to all questions, queries, complaints, messages 24/7, with the user getting a response within 5 minutes. This is because we understand the nature of our business, customers, and service, to the extent we know what they expect from us.
Professional Quantitative Team
Our team of professional, experienced, and qualified members, do not only guarantee to provide you with the smoothest of trading experiences. But they do it in a way, that is both caring, supportive, and friendly, so that in no way, you, the user feels disheartened or let down, in any way shape, or form. We understand the needs of our users, as though we are the user.
Insurance Fund
An insurance fund of $20 Million has been made available to cover for losses, and payments will be concluded within 24 hours of any losses accruing. This is a safety feature that we know our users will not only appreciate but rather, will add to the overall experience, by making them feel a lot more relaxed, as well, confident.
Perfect Partner Rebate System
Billance provides a perfect partner rebate solution, where traders get a percentage and or bonus, especially when they sell or reach a targeted level of a set purchase. But, this is largely dependent on the number of transactions they make and how such transactions will ultimately, materialize.
Various Quantitative Market Making Solutions
Billance provides various market-making strategies and solutions, which includes but are not limited to, limiting orders, most importantly, how wide the volume is from the middle price, the effect of various operation and performance, and the benefit to both investors and the market at large. We also offer high-frequency market marking services also, that are different from the traditional ones. So, in our model, we take into account the huge trading volume of high-frequency market makers and consider how the competition between market makers affects the performance of the strategy.
Intelligent Matching System
Billance provides a matching system that not only ensures the smooth and rapid running of the platform but also provides milliseconds of level trading experiences. Both of which make the platform as a whole, more efficient and effective, from a general matching perspective.
So, with some many advantages and or benefits, compared to its competitors. Why then, are you not already a part of the Billance family? We welcome you to come and join us, to earn, with ease and with total peace of mind.