Building a High-End Business Website

Building a High-End Business Website
© Tranmautritam

A high-functioning website can be a powerful business tool, especially if you’re looking at consolidating business processes, capturing user information, and increasing your client base. Your business can become a potential powerhouse of business growth when you focus your attention on building a well-optimized website with a solid architecture that successfully integrates your customer relationship management (CRM) tools with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. There are a few areas that need to be considered when developing a top-notch business website — Markets Herald presents some important ones to consider in the guide below.

Website Management

During the planning stage, you’ll need to consider who’ll have the authority to make website changes. If your website requires constant product updates or monthly pricing changes, it’s worth investing in an easy-to-use CMS that can be accessed by everyone.

Businesses might make the mistake of leaving website admin solely up to the web developer, which leaves the company in hot water if they leave the company. During the development phase, ask your developer to create dynamic sections that can be edited without hassle. Before launch, ensure you and your employees receive adequate training. You should have control of your website, along with the capacity to add extra pages when necessary.

Search Engine Friendly

A website that has clear navigation, prominent call-to-action buttons, and a modern design will draw in clients and rank well with Google. A great design will increase the time spent on your website, which can increase inquiries.

To perform well in search engines and outrank your competitors, ensure your developer follows best practices in terms of search engine optimization. Things to consider include speed of the site, clean code, image optimization, and navigation. Google bots catalog website pages to make sense of them — a well-planned website is key for both users and Google’s search engine robots.

Hire an SEO content specialist to help target keywords, meta tags, and overall search engine friendliness. A content specialist can also provide regular keyword-targeted blog posts to increase website traffic.

CRM and ERP Integration

For a more efficient and productive business, you should integrate your ERP system into your CRM. By doing this you can link HR systems, purchase history, inventory, and other key data for customer insight information. It will also allow customers to see updates in real time when the backend is automatically updated.

Integration of the two systems means you don’t have to invest in separate software systems for each department, which will help you save money. A refined process frees up time to focus on analyzing data and customer behavior to improve the overall experience and conversions.

Payment Gateways

To make immediate sales and increase growth, it’s important to have a payment gateway or synchronize a bank account balance API that can accept online payments. Let your clients browse and pay immediately without wandering off the page to think about their purchase. A payment gateway also reduces the cost of credit fees.

Business Growth

Your business website needs to be dynamic and flexible, with the capacity to integrate various systems and room to expand. For continuous growth, you need to invest time in the building of your website.