Chibuzo Obiefuna Shares How to Secure a Modeling Agent

Chibuzo Obiefuna Shares How to Secure a Modeling Agent
Chibuzo Obiefuna

Chibuzo Obiefuna understands that the hunt for representation by an agent is crucial to building a career in entertainment. This is why he has taken the time to share tips that helped him secure representation in hopes of helping others who seek a similar career.

Chibuzo Obiefuna got his start in modeling during the COVID-19 pandemic, but this line of work has always been something he’s cared about. Fashion, style and fitness have been important aspects of Obiefuna’s life since he was a child.

After the pandemic left Obiefuna unemployed, he turned to his friends who were already part of the entertainment industry in California. Obiefuna was quickly signed on by an agent and has gone on to build an impressive portfolio.

“Have an idea of your strengths and always keep an open mind,” says Chibuzo Obiefuna.

There are types of agencies that focus on different areas of the industry. It is important to know what type of representation you are looking for. Before submitting himself, Obiefuna took time to reflect on his strengths. This helped him narrow down the choices of agencies that best suited what he hoped to gain.

Having an idea of the types of brands you would like to model for can also help pinpoint the best fit. Numerous agencies have pre-existing relationships with brands, and having an idea of the brands you would like to work with can help with your consideration.

Knowing what to look for is only half the work, and next is to find an agency that is looking for new faces to add to their roster. By googling keywords and browsing Instagram, Obiefuna found The Movement Talent Agency (MTA) and IT Agency, both of which focused on the exact areas of his strengths.

Personal preference plays a crucial part in deciding what agencies to pursue, and sometimes it is better to go with a small agency rather than one of the larger ones. This is the route Obiefuna took and he says that it made for a more personal relationship between client and agent.

“They valued me a lot more and they were really in line with the things I wanted to do,” says Obiefuna.

While it is possible to find work without representation, an agency can open doors that would otherwise be difficult to find. This is why Obiefuna encourages an open mind when signing on with an agency.

Before, Obiefuna thought his career was going to be limited to photoshoots and modeling clothes, but since he gained representation, he has starred in commercials for the likes of Starbucks and Head and Shoulders. He also had the opportunity to star in a short film set to release in 2023.

While some of these opportunities would have never been possible if he hadn’t obtained an agent, Obiefuna has always maintained a relentless work ethic to increase his chances of success in the industry.

Chibuzo Obiefuna hopes that by following his tips focusing on strengths, doing research and keeping an open mind, that those looking to better their careers through an agent will be able to do so in no time.

“It can be a little tasking because not every agent will want the same things as you do, but I like to think there’s a place for everyone,” says Chibuzo Obiefuna.