- Morning is the best time to workout: As the day goes on, your body’s temperature increases, which may lead to stronger muscle contraction and greater exercise efficiency and perhaps even better performance.
- You have to sweat to get results: Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself down. How much you sweat is typically indicative of the temperature of your environment rather than the exercise.
- You should stretch before workouts: research has shown that when people are forcing their cool muscles to relax by overextending, it creates a surge of Glucocorticoids (stress hormones) that flood the body, which is the opposite reaction expected from people trying to relax a stiffened area.”
- Muscle turns into fat when you stop working out: The real story is that muscle and fat are actually two totally different tissue systems with different functions. Muscle tissue is what gives you mass and what is constantly burning calories. The fat tissue is what gives you the ‘gut’ and is where excess energy is stored. Although energy is shared between the two systems, muscle and fat do not convert to one another. They simply move up and down on a spectrum independently and in most cases simultaneously.”
- Muscle and fat are actually two totally different tissue systems with different functions. Muscle tissue is what gives you mass and what is constantly burning calories. The fat tissue is what gives you the ‘gut’ and is where excess energy is stored. Although energy is shared between the two systems, muscle and fat do not convert to one another. They simply move up and down on a spectrum independently and in most cases simultaneously.” Holding a plank for long periods of time strengthens your core. Our bodies were made to move in three planes of motion unless you work.
Joshua Lipsey is a fitness expert and celebrity trainer. @bewithcore