Communitas Awards: Four Digital Projects in Moscow Have Received International Recognition

Communitas Awards: Four Digital Projects in Moscow Have Received International Recognition
Moscow, Russian Federation. © Astemir Almov

Communitas Awards is an award established in 2010 by the Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals. It is awarded to outstanding companies, organizations and individuals who selflessly donate their resources and change their business practices for the benefit of their communities.

This year, four digital projects from Moscow became winners of the international Communitas Awards. The city charity service on the portal, a complex of initiatives aimed at reducing water consumption in Moscow, the family-ecological project “Our Tree” and the portal “Soulful Moscow” received international recognition.

“Among the winners of the Communitas Awards there are projects that make Moscow even more comfortable and kind city every day. These are some of the most popular digital initiatives of the capital, which are deservedly popular among citizens. International recognition confirms once again that these initiatives not only improve the lives of citizens, but also meet global requirements and trends” – said Eduard Lysenko, Moscow Government Minister and Head of the Department of Information Technologies.

The City Charity Service on won in the “Leadership in service to society” category. It was launched in October 2020 on the initiative of the Moscow’s non-profit organizations and allowed citizens to make charitable contributions on a convenient and secure online format. Citizens have already donated more than 8.2 million rubles to support children, the elderly, large families and people with disabilities, as well as homeless animals.

The service itself was developed by the Department of Information Technology together with the City Committee of Public Relations and Youth Policy with the support of the Public Chamber of the City of Moscow.

In the category “Changes for the Better”, the winner was the information system “Soulful Moscow”, which unites representatives of non-profit sector, government authorities and concerned citizens. Thanks to this project, representatives of non-profit organizations can receive resources and financial support, find partners and employees, learn how to get a free consultation, and find additional opportunities for employee training. Volunteers can choose a project that suits them on the portal, and Moscow citizens can find work in charitable foundations, non-profit partnerships and other socially oriented organizations.

The Moscow set of initiatives aimed at reducing water consumption won in the category “Leadership in the field of ethics and environmental protection”. The goal of the project is to motivate citizens to use water resources more carefully by changing their user habits. For users became available visualized analytics of water consumption in comparison with the average indicators for the city. Data of 4.5 million households are taken into account. If water consumption decreases, the service will notify about it.

As a continuation of this set of initiatives, in June 2021, a special project Clean Water: “How It Works” was launched on the portal. It is dedicated to the most important and useful information about water. The project talks about the large-scale processes of water intake and purification, as well as about the way it passes before it enters the water taps.

“Our tree” project was the winner in the “Sustainability” category. Since 2019, every family in Moscow can plant for free a named tree in honor of the birth of a child in one of the city’s parks. In two years, at the request of residents, more than seven thousand trees appeared on 27 parks of the capital.

Moscovites can apply for participation in the project on the project page. On the interactive map, citizens are offered to choose a park, an area and a tree species for planting. After the landing itself, parents receive a certificate of a named tree and souvenirs with the symbols of the project. Using GPS tag, parents can always find a tree that was planted.