Does the Future of the DC Universe Rest in Tommy Turner’s Hands?

Does the Future of the DC Universe Rest in Tommy Turner’s Hands?
Tommy Turner

Tommy Turner says that he is the future of DC and that the DC universe rests solely in his hands. The screenwriter, director, and actor says he has worked very hard and is very proficient to make DC movies better for the fans. The screenwriter, director, and actor says he’s starting the DC universe franchise with the film Lex Luthor. He says Lex Luthor is the essence of evil, and nobody has ever played him the right way. This is why he plans to be the main actor making himself the first black Lex Luthor. The screenwriter has a vast majority of knowledge about DC and the origin of its characters. Tommy Turner says he has poured his blood sweat and tears into his screenplay.

The screenwriter, director, and actor has watched many YouTube reactions and taken notes on what the fans want to see. He also says that he has a lot of plot twists and different origin stories of the characters. Tommy Turner describes this Lex Luthor as a different kind of evil. An evil that no one has ever seen before. Even though Lex Luthor may be a cold-blooded killer, his mindset and attitude towards the world will make the people understand him more.

He explains that the reason he has so much confidence in his films is because of the storyline. He believes a good film with no storyline is a confused, and bad movie. But a film with no fighting and a good storyline can be an excellent film. Tommy Turner has respect for other actors and directors who played in previous DC films. The future screenwriter, director, and actor says he has studied the Snyder verse and other DC films so that he comes with his own verse. He also says without the work of the previous directors, and actors he would’ve never come up with the ideas he has.