Empress Capital Could Join the Ranks of the Top Artificial Intelligence Funds Globally

Empress Capital Could Join the Ranks of the Top Artificial Intelligence Funds Globally

The future is artificial intelligence, and smart investors are taking advantage of this now. According to experts and analysts, there are plenty of reasons to invest in AI.

Forecasts show that the global Artificial Intelligence market is set to grow 40.2% in 5-6 years, reaching over $1.38 trillion by 2028. As AI advances, its impact will inevitably increase and influence most industries. This continuous growth makes it an exceptional investment opportunity that venture capital firms should start investing in as early as now.

Large venture capital firms and most investors feel apprehensive about funding AI-centric startups despite technological services hitting an all-time high of $675 billion in 2021, which gives way for smaller venture capital firms and specialized AI funds to capitalize on the emerging trend.

AI will be a crucial aspect of business operations in the near future

Artificial intelligence funding firm Empress Capital highlights that there are significant investment opportunities not only in companies developing Artificial Intelligence solutions but also in those that are enhancing digital tools and infrastructure to support AI’s high-growth industry.

The tools and foundation AI models such as GTP3 and DALLE 2 will disrupt many industries as the models are making it easier for startups to build upon to deliver some very sophisticated solutions quickly and cheaper.

The AI market is underserved, and the industry’s full potential is not yet widely recognized in most countries, including Australia. Despite this, Empress Capital is focussing on investing in early-stage companies because they believe it provides a great opportunity for growth.

 Out of the $10B in capital raised in 2021 in Australia, it is staggering that less than $5M was invested in companies at the Pre-Seed and Seed stage. This equates to only 0.05% of the invested capital. On the other hand, Empress Capital sees this as a major opportunity for investment. They believe investing at this stage makes way for high growth and enables them to support superstar companies, allowing them to continue funding these startups in the succeeding rounds.

Empress Capital invests in AI innovations changing the world, rising above the competition

We believe that Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we live, which provides unique new business models and exceptional investment opportunities through Empress Capital, which are not commonly available to regular investors,” shares Yash Varma, Founder and General Partner of Australian-based AI fund venture capital firm Empress Capital.

Spurned by this belief, Empress Capital is growing exponentially and joining the ranks of the top artificial intelligence funds worldwide. “Our vision at Empress Capital is to lead change for humanity through investing in people and innovations,” Varma expounds, which further emphasizes Empress Capital’s core of “investing at the intersection of AI and humanity”, eradicating people’s fears of AI taking over many jobs.

 The AI funding company also highlights that investing in AI in the present time takes ethics into account. AI models can be trained to ensure that the technology and its advancements are used for good, benefiting everyone and not just a few.

Yash Varma shares, “Empress Capital commits to positively impacting the world. We pledge to donate a portion of our profits towards establishing the Empress Foundation that will support non-profit organizations in a sustainable way. We will be using the same principles and technologies we use for investing in profit companies.”

About Empress Capital

Empress Capital focuses on the Pre-Seed and Seed stage investments to help tech and AI startups flourish beyond these starting points. The venture capital firm also provides support beyond funding, including services in enhancing business development, team building, connecting with a network of investors, and mentoring & coaching. Founders and investors can learn more and apply at empresscapital.vc.