Fashion Icon, Iris Apfel, Joins the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation’s Ambassadors Leadership Council

If you don't take care of your bones, your chances of becoming a centenarian will shrink.

Fashion Icon, Iris Apfel, Joins the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation's Ambassadors Leadership Council
Iris Apfel. © Ruvén Afanador / Zenni Eyewear

The Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) welcomed Iris Apfel to its Ambassadors Leadership Council. Ms. Apfel, renowned for her eclectic sense of style and super-sized, black-rimmed specs, is 100 years old and maybe the most vibrant and altruistic of BHOF’s Ambassadors. Skilled at making an impact, Ambassadors work to spark positive change in the world of bone health.

“I celebrated my centennial last year, but I never really think about my age,” said Ms. Apfel. “Work keeps me feeling young and vibrant. I’m proud to be a BHOF Ambassador to help educate people about taking care of their bone health if they want to lead an active and fulfilling life – at every age.”

“We are thrilled to have Ms. Apfel as our first Ambassador of 2022! She is the epitome of what we all hope for as we age – being healthy, active, and making the world a little better,” said Claire Gill, CEO, BHOF. “We are excited that Ms. Apfel will help us raise awareness and dispel some big myths, including that only older people need to worry about osteoporosis and breaking bones.”

The statistics on osteoporosis are staggering: approximately 10 million Americans age 50 and above have the disease and another 44 million have low bone density, placing them at an increased risk for bone fractures. Most people are not aware that bone fractures related to osteoporosis are responsible for more hospitalizations than heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer combined.

Ms. Apfel will star in a marketing campaign for BHOF this year to raise awareness about the importance of bone health at every age. For information about the Ambassadors Leadership Council and key facts about bone health, visit BHOF’s website.