From Women’s Welfare to Uplifting Communities: A Look at Compassiviste Foundation’s Current Global Causes

Photo courtesy of Compassiviste Foundation
Photo courtesy of Compassiviste Foundation

“Love always; always love.” This is the guiding principle of the collective of UK-based registered charity Compassiviste Foundation, Brazil-based registered nonprofit association Compassiviste Foundation Brazil, and US-based registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit Compassiviste USA, which address a number of social, environmental, and economic challenges globally. Ali Horriyat, the founder of Compassiviste Foundation, believes that no project is too small or too big when fueled by genuine compassion and a shared commitment to positive change.

“Our perspective transcends the boundaries of individual projects,” Horriyat explains. “It is a holistic movement that recognizes the interconnectedness of all challenges and the necessity of collective action driven by empathy and love.”

Compassiviste Foundation seeks to address the world’s most severe humanitarian crises and provide tangible support to those affected and displaced by conflict, environmental disasters, and social injustices.

The Call to Act

Compassiviste understands that humanity and compassion are more important than ever as the world faces unprecedented challenges.

“Compassiviste aims to create a world where the most vulnerable communities can live safely, in peace, and with dignity, by focusing on immediate relief and long-term recovery,” Horriyat adds.

This commitment is reflected in their hands-on approach, which goes beyond merely raising awareness or funding. They actively brainstorm solutions, assemble action teams, and work directly with affected communities to address the root causes of their suffering.

The foundation’s initiatives and current projects are designed to foster a collective reevaluation of priorities and values, promoting social and environmental sustainability and harmony.

Justice and Support for Women

One of Compassiviste Foundation’s flagship initiatives is “Stand With Her,” a program designed to provide comprehensive support to victims of domestic violence and their children in Brazil.

This program offers legal aid, temporary housing, therapy, food packages, and financial assistance, addressing the urgent needs of those affected by domestic violence. For just $40, donors can significantly impact a victim’s life, providing crucial resources such as therapy, legal assistance, and emergency shelter.

“The ‘Stand With Her’ program exemplifies our commitment to supporting society’s most vulnerable members,” says Horriyat. “We and Juliana believe that providing comprehensive aid can help victims rebuild their lives and create a safer, more just world for everyone.”

In addition to “Stand With Her,” the foundation has also started the “Justice 4 Carmen” campaign, which appeals for support in the case of Maria del Carmen Lopez, a retired US citizen kidnapped from her home in Pueblo Nuevo, Mexico. This initiative seeks to raise awareness and funds to aid in her safe return, extending its reach to other individuals in dire situations across borders.

Building and Investing in Communities

The Compassiviste Foundation is also a pioneer in environmental sustainability and innovative agricultural practices. The “Za’atari Desert Garden” project is a prime example of this commitment.

Located in the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, this initiative trains Syrian refugees in hydroponics, enabling them to cultivate food in harsh desert conditions. The project provides refugees with a sustainable food source and a sense of purpose and hope. Eventually, the Za’atari initiative aims to transition refugees to life outside the camp walls.

“The Za’atari Desert Garden is more than just an agricultural project,” Horriyat explains.“It is our way of equipping the refugees with new skills that will benefit them and their communities in the long run. We are not just about immediate help. This is a long-term commitment to build them up.”

Another notable project is the “Maasai Makeover,” which is seeking to raise $500,000 for the International Collaborative for Science, Education, and the Environment (ICSEE) Tanzania to support their Maasai Stoves and Solar Project. This aids the day-to-day needs of the Maasai community by providing energy-efficient stoves, clean water, solar energy, education for women, and livestock management strategies.

This project will prevent the community from suffering serious health challenges caused by polluted water sources and open fires in poorly ventilated living spaces. In the past, they have suffered burns, respiratory disease, vision impairment, and a lack of light that endangered them at night as a result of their living conditions. The project will provide them with a better quality of life that is safe, healthy, and full of hope.

“We are investing in the better future of this bright community. We have helped 35,000 people in the Maasai community build safer and healthier homes, and we will not stop,” says Horriyat.

Starting Small but Strong

Compassiviste Foundation’s commitment to fostering a more compassionate world extends beyond its well-known initiatives. Since its inception in 2022, it has also invested in projects like the ENVT Bentley Project, which focuses on improving the health, well-being, and lifespan of dogs through vital clinical research.

Meanwhile, “The Road To Recovery” initiative is a grassroots charity that helps transport injured Palestinians in conflict zones to Israeli hospitals, ensuring they receive the necessary medical care.

While impactful, Horriyat and Compassiviste Foundation understand they are just taking small steps in addressing the world’s vast array of social issues. However, they firmly believe that significant change often starts with small beginnings.

They aim to create a ripple effect that can extend to broader networks, tackle even more significant societal challenges, and tap into the collective compassion of individuals worldwide by initiating a different array of practical, on-the-ground changes.

Their philosophy is rooted in the idea that every small act of kindness and every targeted project contribute to a larger wave of positive change, ultimately making the world a more compassionate and just place.

To see Compassiviste Foundation’s complete list of projects and find out how to donate, please visit