Partnerships can help companies tackle the myriad of challenges surrounding the digitalization of a business.
Fusionex Group managing director Jacob Isaac said partnerships offer the ability to accelerate the utilization of disruptive technologies like analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), allowing businesses to focus on their business.
“I highly encourage that you work with partners because digitalization is not an easy feat. There are challenges lurking around every corner. Trying to overcome all of them will either derail your company from its core business focus or demoralize your team altogether.
“You must remember that you are in the business of selling your products and services, not running information technology (IT).
“It is better to work with trusted IT partners to ensure that you are working with teams that have the economies of scale and experience to minimize failure points and avoid unnecessary costs, ” he said at the recent #digitalXdata 2020 Live Virtual Conference.
Fusionex is a leading player in analytics and AI.
Companies attempting to digitalize their operations and business models often face many challenges. Among these are budget and time constraints, complex processes, data security, limited access to suitable technology and markets, and the lack of skilled talents to take on and maintain new systems.
Given the change in today’s business landscape, however, it is necessary for firms to adapt and adopt technologies like AI.
Isaac noted that corporate lifespans have become shorter over the years and in order for companies to stand the test of time, they need to embrace change.
He pointed to the growth of e-commerce as proof of how rapidly the retail sector has changed.
E-commerce is estimated to make up about 15% of global spending and is doubling every five years. In South-East Asia, the increase is estimated to grow eight times in eight years.

“We know that change is inevitable. But we fear it because we don’t practice it enough. Same goes for embracing digital technologies like analytics and AI. If you practice this usage of technologies enough, you wouldn’t fear the changes that come with it.
“It is important that we can adapt to technological changes not just quickly but with precision. If not, we are out there for a knock-out, ” he added.
According to Issac, there are four pillars of digitalization and companies can opt to start their digitalization journey with any of these.
The caveat is that they must eventually undertake all four pillars to have a sound digital business.
The first pillar is to engage and educate customers on the digital platforms that the company use so that they will be able to buy the company’s products and services, and interact with the company on those platforms. This can be done effectively via AI-powered digital marketing.
The second pillar is to cultivate an internal culture that is digitalized. This is an important pillar to ensure that the organization is equipped and prepared to support the digital transformation.
Isaac noted that internal productivity can be enhanced with digital platforms like video-conferencing tools and shared drives.
The next pillar is to establish multiple channels to sell your products and services.
And finally, companies need to learn how to make better decisions using analytics and AI based on real-time data.
“The amount of data we get is so much faster than what we humans can process. We need the assistance of machines. Data is knowledge when processed correctly.
“AI enables computer vision, voice recognition, language analysis and processing of knowledge.
“If you embrace AI and analytics, your business will come alive because AI will give it eyes, ears, speech and great power to process and recommend the next best course of action, ” said Isaac.
To help businesses increase sales, reduce costs and improve processes with the use of analytics and AI, Fusionex has developed platforms that help companies connect their data sources to process the data and provide recommendations to achieve their goals.
About Fusionex
Fusionex Group is an established multi-award-winning data technology provider specializing in Analytics, Big Data, IR 4.0, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Its offerings are focused on helping clients unlock value and derive insights from data. Featured on Forbes, Bloomberg, Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Edison and Huffington Post, Fusionex is the largest Big Data Analytics company and market leader in ASEAN, bringing state-of-the-art, innovative and breakthrough data-driven platforms to its stable of clientele (including Fortune 500, FTSE companies, large conglomerates as well as a wide array of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)) that spans across the United States, Europe as well as Asia Pacific. Fusionex is also an MDEC GAIN company as well as an MGS recipient.
Gartner’s 2018 report on Modern Analytics and Business Intelligence shortlisted and commended Fusionex Review data technology platform. In addition, Fusionex has been as identified as a Major Player in IDC’s MarketScape Report for Big Data & Analytics. Fusionex is the only ASEAN-based company to be featured in both reports, cementing its credentials in the data technology market for this region.
To learn more about Fusionex Group, visit
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