Gem Stocks: A Closer Look at Black Bird Biotech

Gem Stocks: A Closer Look at Black Bird Biotech

This article is a follow up to report on Gem Stocks 2022:

Each year, more than 1 billion pounds of pesticides work on crops in the United States. Worldwide that number jumps to 5.6 billion pounds. But, taking a closer look at what farmers apply to the plants that make their way to the dinner table, there are some remarkable second-order effects as well.

As many as 25 million agricultural workers across the globe face unintentional pesticide poisonings. Add to that crop of plants under the nozzles of pesticides, cannabis growers, and their farms. While going organic has been highly touted, just what goes on the farmers’ yields everywhere is not clear. Is it genuinely non-toxic and natural?

What has been a bit startling is that a publicly-traded, free-market organization is up to the task of protecting crops while being environmentally responsible. Black Bird Biotech, stock symbol $BBBT, is on track to tackle mold, mildew, and so much more with their reimagined biopesticide, MiteXstream.

Crops that benefit from plant-based protection that MiteXstream provides include:

  • Strawberries that make their way to your breakfast table
  • Coffee
  • Hops
  • Grapes (and yes that includes the kind used to make your favorite wine)
  • Cannabis
  • And many more agricultural crops

I dug a bit deeper to find out how a plant-based pesticide is helping shore up gaps in the market for solutions that have overall health in mind. Read on to find out what I discovered that might intrigue you.

The MiteXstream Difference

EPA regulation requires that EPA-approved products be registered in the individual states where they will be available for dispensing. Black Bird Biotech has approvals and submissions for pending approvals in states across the U.S., including the District of Columbia.

Food grade and plant-based pesticides were a part of the Botanical Research in Motion testing in Vancouver, B.C. The results provide some remarkable findings. This product can allow farmers to produce more food on less land and shield crops from disease, mold, mildew, and pests that ravage farms consistently.

The difference in MiteXstream is that it eliminates pests like spider mites that destroy entire crops annually. It does this without poison, which allows agriculture workers to deploy it right up to the day of harvest. Its competitors do not sport the same remarkable trait. Fresh farm produce that leaves farmers and consumers with peace of mind is in demand and not only improves the outlook for plants but for the bees that pollinate them. We all know how vital these little pollinators are, so harming them is not an option.

The U.S. organic food market may take off even more than it already has, and so is the demand for naturally grown cannabis crops.

Cannabis Farmers Reaping the Benefits

The market for CBD blew past $7.1 billion in 2020 and is ready to expand by more than 35% between 2021 and 2027. The MiteXstream reimagined biopesticide also has potential benefits for the future of the cannabis market, as is reflected by the surge in investor confidence. Their President Fabian Deneault also shares their enthusiasm for the future of this stock.

Black Bird Biotech provides a pesticide solution that meets guidelines and regulations and satisfies all critical state cannabis testing requirements. MiteXstream also provides a pesticide solution for indoor and outdoor growers. Lab proven to eliminate spider mites on contact is excellent news for a pest that can be tough to stop.

Protecting these plants without harming humans is essential. Farmers who have encountered slowing growth, wilting or dropping plants, and buds that refuse to fatten have required a plant-based solution. Beyond the cannabis market, some crops end up on tables across the nation that need an approach that protects crops and consumers.

Pesticides in Our Food

Pesticide residue can be harmful. Food testing measures are in place for a reason, and this food-grade plant-based biopesticide from Black Bird Biotech is one to watch. They have a different approach that has safety in mind for end-users and the plants they protect. While cooking can reduce pesticides by 40%-50%, fresh fruits and vegetables packed with nutrition skip this step and must be high quality and harmless.

In the case of strawberries, data from California showed nearly 300 pounds of pesticides made their way onto each acre of strawberries. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of glyphosate are also applied to grapes, so it is not simply strawberries under the nozzle of heavy pesticides. A safe product to use up to the day of harvest makes a difference in what can be grown, protected, and eventually make its way to people.

Regulations, Funding, and Testing

Recently completing a $1.5 million raise through the company’s Reg A+offering allows for an entry into 2022 with relatively insignificant debt. It also permits the expansion of the organization. Innovation with momentum is a powerful combination for this company.

Taking the brand from regional to national will require a perspective that sees 35 states as only the start of qualification under the EPA regulations. Home gardening enthusiasts will be pleased to hear the direction leadership sees for the company. No longer will it be exclusively commercial agriculturists who reap the benefits. Home growers and gardeners will enjoy the value of MiteXstream as well.

Moving into the broader market of crops affected by mites, molds, and mildews signals spells growth overall. Receiving the EPA certification, followed by state certification, sends this brand through stringent testing for ethical product standards. Fascinating developments are coming from other countries inquiring about the efficacy testing the product has undergone.

Ingredients that are gentle on crops and hard on pests are what every farmer, gardener, and plant lover needs to have on hand. Flowers, vegetables, coffee, and much more may find a shield in MiteXstream while being better for humans and animals.

This product will change a lot of things in the agriculture business. The company has leadership that is genuinely passionate about what they do and has their finger on the pulse of why this non-toxic pesticide is in demand today. As a result, the stock is likely a strong buy, and the ongoing testing and applications in numerous states signal an appearance in many farm spaces in the future. However, the market has not yet realized the potential, so don’t count on these price levels again once MiteXstream becomes a household name.

DISCLAIMER: This article is strictly the author’s opinion. all stocks involve risks and the possibility of losing all of your investment. please consider all risks before investing and consult with an investment advisor if you lack experience. article provided in part by strategic innovations who are paid for by the companies for social media and research.