Henry S. Gavilanez Shares How to Get Thousands of People to Attend Your Event

Henry S. Gavilanez
Henry S. Gavilanez

If you want to get thousands of people to attend your next event but have no idea how, look no further than Henry S. Gavilanez, a digital marketing specialist and event promotion expert.

Gavilanez has taken digital marketing magazines by storm for his unique and outside-of-the-box way of promoting ultra successful events across the U.S.

“It all comes down to knowing your audience,” says Gavilanez, who has agreed to break down some of the overarching strategies as well as the granular tactics he employs to make the events he promotes a success. Both in terms of turnout and attendee experience, Henry Gavilanez is determined to make every event a wonderful experience for all.

We asked Henry S. Gavilanez how to get thousands of attendees to an event, and he responded with “It depends on the event. You can’t market them all the same.”

So, we refined our question and asked him in theory how we could get thousands of attendees to attend a general community mixer.

“I’m all about promoting community. I’m about promoting information. I’m not about promoting events,” says Gavilanez. “Event promotion is more than just driving people to a room or to a banquet hall or to a stadium.”

Gavilanez says many people aren’t comfortable with doing events because they are always a success or failure.

“Events are binary in that way.”

If nobody comes to your event, you can’t hide the fact that nobody showed up and it’s on display for everyone to see.

On the other hand, event marketing is the best way to directly engage your audience, grow your brand, and forge meaningful relationships with your community.

If you want to get thousands of people to attend your event, the first step is to make sure it’s a widely engaging popular event and that people of all walks of life would attend. The next step is to make it as accessible as possible. If you don’t have wheelchair access or people with mobility issues can’t attend your event because of the venue, consider finding a new place.

Critical to the success of any event, according to Gavilanez, is incentive. When people come to the event they need to gain something. The best events don’t give away solely tangible benefits like coffee and free food. They give away knowledge, networking opportunities and other benefits that are more meaningful and long-term. Those are the things that optimize our happiness long-term.

“Marketing channels are also important. Selling tickets on a reliable platform like Eventbrite will ensure that you can direct social traffic and all promotional materials to one place.”

“They will also supply you with the marketing data and analytics you need to further enhance your chances of success,” says Gavilanez.

Using a platform like Eventbrite will allow you to see the times when most people purchased tickets, so that you can link surge in ticket sales to specific behaviors or promotional activities.

“At the end of the day, it’s all about having the energy to promote the events. Once you have a plan and a strategy, you’ll be able to execute without having to think about each and every step, which will allow you to have the most impact,” says Gavilanez.

For more event marketing and promotional tips, you can visit the official website of Henry Gavilanez.