The health crisis, the climate crisis, and the war in Ukraine have highlighted the debate on economic and environmental sustainability and the necessity of self-sufficient habitats within the context of rising fossil fuel and electricity prices.
Global warming, which is reflected in the increasing scarcity of natural resources, resources, especially water resources, makes us aware of the urgency of the ecological transition.
Many initiatives aiming at autonomy are multiplying: Insulation without thermal bridges, controlled mechanical ventilation with the double flow, solar collectors, natural wells, and vegetation.
“The concepts of passive individual houses are well known and contribute to energy autonomy. Globtermic pushes the autonomy by proposing the self-sufficiency of its constructions, in particular, by aiming for water autonomy,” highlights Mr Vincent Caillat, President & Founder of Globtermic.
The successive heat waves in France and Europe, in general, are making access to energy more and more expensive. As such, Globtermic , a leading French company, provides answers to this situation by designing bioclimatic houses with a very high insulating capacity that do not require air conditioning in summer and heating in winter and; had built a solid experience in the last decades by promoting to consumers the adoption of energy-efficient measures and technologies; assessed with professionals the capabilities to sustain and drive energy efficiency efforts and developing a local knowledge base in energy management; as well as raising awareness amongst the public, households and industry/businesses while supporting research and development efforts to enhance construction sector capability in energy-efficient technologies.
Globtermic builder of individual houses, apartment buildings and eco-designed tertiary buildings.
By offering eco-designed buildings, Globtermic becomes a player in eco-neighborhoods.
The design of these spaces is based on the limitation of needs: energy produced in excess of its needs, circular water circuits, vegetation, urban farms, etc. and thus, ”Our solutions provides high Energy efficiency with our engineering of understanding energy use to then implement effective solutions to lower energy consumption and minimize energy costs,” – highlighted Mr Caillat.

Globtermic comes under the banner of energy management, which is a much broader concept encompassing the planning and operation of energy generation and storage and the targeted use of mechanisms such as demand management and demand response
Globtermic: Actor in the urban planning of tomorrow
Globtermic is not just a simple wooden house builder but the creator of a real eco-system prescribing the cities of tomorrow based on urbanization turned towards more human, ecological, autonomous values and favoring the quality of life.
Values are aimed at preserving a healthy environment, providing a better quality of life, and favoring self-sufficiency in electricity and water. Constructing energy-efficient buildings Energy-consuming buildings (thanks to thermal innovations, eco-materials…), better management of electricity and water energy, increase the greening of spaces (farms and urban forests, parks, green walls…). Globtermic is an ecological industrialist allowing everyone to access ecology.
Globtermic: Ecological innovation on the move
If Globtermic has been dedicated to the construction of eco-friendly buildings and design for several years, it is above all out of passion. Passion for tomorrow’s urban planning that brings benefits to men and women, passion also for design and beauty that touches people and culture.
Innovation is also one of our fundamental values. It is essential because self-sufficient construction is a never-ending quest that calls for ever greater performance and comfort. At Globtermic, it is vital. This is reflected in our ongoing research and development (R&D) activity and investment.
Synonymous with self-sufficiency, challenge, ecology and design, the taste for the utopia of tomorrow has always been stimulated and nurtured by its founder and his committed teams.
Another guiding value is understanding, listening to the customer, understanding their needs and expectations is an absolute requirement to truly meet their aspirations: “These values are inseparable from the quest for excellence. A value that permeates our buildings and is reflected in a permanent quest for perfection”
Finally, ecology is at the heart of responsibilities, and Globtermic has a duty to help preserve the planet and to contribute to the well-being of populations.

Globtermic eco-system creator: Utopia or reality?
Whether it is to overcome crises, natural disasters, or shortages of any kind, society is now looking for more autonomy. Autonomy in food, in habitat, but also into the surrounding ecosystem. Autonomy is not synonymous with self-sufficiency. In effect, self-sufficiency goes further: self-subsistence, which is seen, at times, as a utopia. Self-sufficiency projects have been propelled in an individual since the 2015 law for green growth.
The 2021 climate and resilience law highlights citizen communities for renewable energy. Different action plans will continue to emerge over the years, whose echo will become more and more important in our regions, our cities and even our homes with the development of renewable energies: solar electric and thermal, wind power, hydroelectricity, biomass, geothermal mechanization, marine energies…
Globtermic, on its own scale, contributes significantly to the development of this vision by proposing and constantly seeking to optimize its processes, such as CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) without glue, which eliminates the use of nails and metal screws from its structures to offer a clean product that goes beyond the ecological standards in force today.
Globtermic goes even further by certifying self-sustaining buildings.
Turnkey buildings with complete ecosystems: the greening of spaces, urban farms, and greenhouses with the aim of achieving food autonomy, improving the well-being of its occupants, producing oxygen, and absorbing CO2.