How to Get Written About in Major Online Publications, According to Baden Bower

How to Get Written About in Major Online Publications, According to Baden Bower

Getting published in major publications is a great way to get significant attention for any company, says Adrian John Ignacio, Head Journalist at Baden Bower. This is why businesses often send out press releases to journalists as a source for news. They soon discover that standing out in today’s digital environment can be challenging.

Most news outlets receive hundreds of press releases in a single day, which is why 70% of journalists spend less than a minute reading each one. There’s not a lot of room for companies to make an impression and get that coveted coverage for their brands.

How to Get the Word Out

Many companies mistake press releases for marketing tools or an advertisement. Businesses must remember that press releases are supposed to advise journalists on an event in the hopes that the media will pass the information along.

Putting in some extra work to ensure the press release will succeed before sending it out can make all the difference. Ignacio shares tips on submitting great press releases and grabbing major online publications’ attention.

Find a Newsworthy Angle

All too often, businesses turn their press releases into self-congratulatory announcements that journalists ignore and discard. Some companies make the mistake of submitting announcements that are best left to internal communications, newsletters or social media.

For stories to be helpful to a journalist and result in a written article, a press release must be like a news story. Journalists look out for the five bases editors want to be covered in every piece, called “The Five Ws”: Who, What, Where, When and Why.

If your press release covers all these, you have enough information for the journalist to write a story. This is the first step to getting written about in major publications,” reveals Ignacio.

Use Catchy Titles

Headlines and subheadings are crucial to press releases as they do most of the heavy lifting in keeping journalists and editors hooked. “The most successful press releases have a common theme—they all have catchy yet concise and informative titles,” says Ignacio.

When journalists have less than a minute to check the newsworthiness of a piece, it makes sense for a company’s PR team to come up with a catchy title that briefly sums up what the press release is all about.

Don’t Beat Around the Bush

A press release headline and introduction shouldn’t simply be bland statements of what happened in the company. Ignacio says relevant adjectives and succinct details that offer some insight into why the story matters are all it takes to pique the journalist’s interest.

Journalists don’t have time to search for the message in a press release, so beating around the bush and adding details that won’t add value to the piece would be counterintuitive. “If your story isn’t clear in the headline and first few sentences, you’ve practically lost your chance,” says Ignacio.

Be Mindful of the Guidelines

Companies think journalists would scramble to write and publish just because they have a good story. Ignacio reminds businesses that media outlets and publishers follow strict format and guidelines when publishing news.

When companies and their PR teams fail to follow guidelines, their press releases will end up being stashed somewhere.

Partner with PR Agencies

While following these reminders might increase a company’s chance of getting written about in major publications, there is no guarantee that even the best-written press release will be picked up by the media and turned into a news story.

Ignacio says companies bent on getting their stories out might do well to work with PR agencies like Baden Bower. For one thing, PR agencies already have experience finding angles journalists might find newsworthy. Most PR agencies also have established relationships with media outlets, so communication with journalists and the editorial team is more accessible.

Ignacio cautions businesses when picking PR agencies. “I’ve had clients coming to me, complaining the previous agencies they worked with couldn’t deliver as often as they claim. They’re often stuck paying monthly fees with few results,” reveals Ignacio.

He reminds companies to do their due diligence and conduct background checks on PR agencies. Look for agencies like Baden Bower with strong capabilities in press relations and guaranteed editorial coverage for companies and brands in any vertical across internationally recognized news brands – this is the easiest way to get articles written about you in global press.