How to Start a Business in the Middle East?

How to Start a Business in the Middle East?

Expanding abroad is always challenging. However, within Europe, it is certainly easier than if you are going to enter another continent. Many factors come into play there that we don’t have in Europe or that work differently here. Finding an expert who knows the market is more than reasonable.

The company Czechia Contract specializes in trade mediation in the Middle East. It provides consultancy services for both sides – those wanting to get goods from the EU to the East, but also those heading from the East to Europe.

Excellent partner not only for engineering

Czechia Contract represents several of European leaders in the industry, with a strong focus on the engineering industry, i.e., parts for the automotive industry and components for trains, ships, and aircraft. It even cooperates with state institutions or transport companies. He represents your company in the Middle East, searches for customers, and offers comprehensive consultancy on business and commercial activities. He represents your company in the Middle East, searches for customers, and offers comprehensive consultancy in the field of business and commercial activities.

From marketing to finding customers

The company has contacts on both sides. It can therefore connect you with customers who would be interested in all the products. Of course, it will also help you with marketing, consider all the specifics of trading in the East and the political situation, and help with risk protection.

The same is true in reverse. Are you looking for suppliers of Middle Eastern products? Czechia Contract has contacts and can select reliable suppliers for you. For example, Mr. Asama Hashmy, a trader and financial advisor with knowledge of Persian and Arabic, can take care of you by name.

What market will you conquer with your products?

Czechs successfully trade in Turkey, Qatar, the Emirates, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan. There, they beat Chinese products in terms of quality. So can you!