What inspired you to write in this particular genre?
I became inspired to write this story while serving a (9) year federal prison sentence for possession with the intent to distribute kilos of 98% pure pink heroin.
Do you see any parallels to real life in this book?
This story is in direct parallel to real life because it’s all about my past life as an international heroin smuggler with members of the China Mafia.
Which character did you feel closest to during writing?
I felt closest to the major character Leo Stegner because I was Leo Stegner.
What was the hardest part of the creative process?
The hardest part of the creative process was putting all my ideas down on paper before losing the thought, then editing and re-editing a thousand times until it sounded right.
Do you read other writers, and if so, who do you like?
Yes… I read other writers’ work…but I like reading stories from new writers like myself. My favorite new writer is John Greco’s “Family Secrets”; and “Return of The Gods”.
How many drafts did it take to get things just right?
It took (3) major drafts to get the story and title just right.
What’s the one thing you want the reader to take away?
The one thing I want the reader to take away from the story is “Life is filled with second chances”. You can always turn your life around if you really want to.
Can you see a follow-up, or perhaps even a prequel?
I see a follow-up story about my life as a Civil/Criminal Process Server and Private Investigator.
Do you find you need to tackle writing blocks?
I haven’t experienced writing blocks thus far…However, I refuse to write another story until this story catch traction. It seems in America, unless you’re famous…no one seems to care your material exists.
How did you get the idea for such a unique title?
The idea for the unique title came directly from the uniquely told story of… a hell of a lot of Sinning and an assload of Redemption, filled with documentation and a character list for each chapter.