Interviewing Fernando Servet, a Product Management and Venture Capital Expert

Fernando Servet

Happy to have you Fernando! Let’s first dive into your experience in venture capital. Can you share your thoughts on venture capital investing, and what strategies have been most successful for you?

Of course. In my experience, successful venture capital investing relies on a combination of factors, including thorough research, patience, and a long-term vision. It’s essential to understand the market and the specific sector in which you’re investing, as well as the team and product behind the venture. Look for strong founders with a clear vision and a track record of execution.

Another critical aspect is diversification. Building a diverse portfolio of investments helps to mitigate risk and increases the chances of having some successful investments. Moreover, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends, as these can significantly impact the success of the startups you invest in.

That’s great advice. Now, let’s discuss your successful crypto trades, particularly with Bitcoin. What strategies have you employed to achieve such impressive results?

My approach to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been a combination of technical and fundamental analysis. I study historical price patterns and various technical indicators to identify potential entry and exit points for trades. Additionally, I closely monitor market sentiment, news events, and macroeconomic factors that may affect the price of Bitcoin.

One strategy that has worked well for me is dollar-cost averaging. By consistently investing a fixed amount in Bitcoin over time, regardless of its price, I’ve been able to mitigate the risks associated with short-term price volatility. This approach has helped me to accumulate Bitcoin at a reasonable average price and achieve long-term gains.

That’s an insightful approach to crypto investing. Now, let’s talk about your experience in product management. What key principles have guided your success in this field?

In product management, I believe it’s essential to maintain a customer-centric mindset. Understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience is crucial for developing successful products. Regularly gather user feedback and conduct usability testing to ensure that your product meets their expectations and solves their problems.

Another key principle is maintaining a strong focus on your product’s unique value proposition. Clearly define what sets your product apart from competitors and ensure that your product roadmap aligns with this vision. Prioritize features and improvements that will provide the most value to your users and differentiate your product in the market.

Lastly, effective communication and collaboration are vital. Work closely with cross-functional teams, including design, engineering, and marketing, to ensure a cohesive approach to product development and go-to-market strategies.

Your insights are truly valuable for those looking to become product managers. Let’s shift our focus to your experience at Luxury Presence, where you developed a bot that scraped luxury real estate competitor sites for leads, generating over 30,000 new leads for the company. Could you describe the process of creating this bot and its impact on the company’s growth?

The core concept behind the bot was to automate lead collection from rival luxury real estate websites. By pinpointing potential clients already interested in luxurious properties, we could better and more efficiently focus our marketing strategies. The bot functioned by extracting pertinent data from these sites, including contact details and property preferences. Consequently, Luxury Presence gained a substantial amount of high-quality leads, fueling the company’s rapid expansion.

As Luxury Fintech’s Co-Founder & COO, you created a novel payments software that allowed creators and merchants to accept unstoppable transactions through eGifts. Could you provide more details on how this system operated and how it distinguished itself from conventional payment processors?

The payment software developed by Luxury Fintech aimed to give creators and merchants greater control over their funds. In contrast to traditional payment processors like Stripe or PayPal, our system enabled merchants to retain their funds within their Gmail account, akin to cash. This removed the necessity for a bank account or an LLC and ensured that neither payment processors nor banks could freeze a merchant’s funds.

Moreover, our software was entirely No-Code, making it incredibly accessible for merchants to join and begin accepting payments. They simply distributed their unique payment link across their website, social media, or other channels, and customers could use that link to complete payments using eGifts. This streamlined approach not only simplified transactions for merchants but also offered them enhanced security and control over their funds.

You’ve had the opportunity to work in cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, and Miami. How have these experiences influenced your perspective on business and technology, and what unique opportunities or challenges have you encountered in each location?

Working in these major cities has given me exposure to diverse business environments, cultures, and markets. Each city has its unique ecosystem and approach to innovation, which has enriched my understanding of the global business landscape.

New York, for instance, is a hub for finance and media, offering access to a wealth of resources and networking opportunities. San Francisco, on the other hand, is known for its thriving tech scene and a culture of innovation that has nurtured countless successful startups. Los Angeles has a strong creative industry, while London serves as a gateway to Europe’s markets. Finally, Miami is emerging as a hotspot for both tech and finance, particularly in FinTech.

Each location has presented its unique set of opportunities and challenges, ranging from adapting to local regulations and business practices to understanding the nuances of each market. These experiences have helped me become a more well-rounded professional and have broadened my perspective on business and technology.

As we conclude this interview, what final pieces of advice can you offer to aspiring venture capital investors and product managers looking to succeed in the tech and business world?

For venture capital investors, I would reiterate the importance of research, patience, and long-term vision. Develop a solid understanding of the market, the team, and the product you’re investing in, and diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk. Stay current with emerging trends and technologies, and build a strong network within the industry.

For product managers, always maintain a customer-centric mindset, focusing on understanding and addressing the needs of your target audience. Prioritize features and improvements that align with your product’s unique value proposition and differentiate it from competitors. Foster effective communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.

In both fields, continuously invest in your personal and professional development. Stay curious, open to new ideas, and be willing to learn from your experiences and those around you. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and remain adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business. With hard work, determination, and a commitment to lifelong learning, you’ll be well-positioned to achieve success in your chosen field.

Fernando, thank you for taking the time to share your invaluable insights with us today. It has been a delight to learn from you, and I’m confident that our audience will be truly grateful for your guidance.

I appreciate the opportunity, Hazel. It has been a pleasure to engage in this conversation, and I sincerely hope that my experiences can contribute to the success of others in their endeavors.