Jason Humble Recognized for Being a Thought Leader in the Technology Start-Up Funding Sector

Jason Humble Recognized for Being a Thought Leader in the Technology Start-Up Funding Sector

Jason Humble, CEO of Humble Capital Group and a preeminent Thought Leader in the Pre-IPO startup funding sector, was recently recognized by GrindSuccess Magazine for his work, by being given the cover and feature story of their September 2021 issue.

This recognition resulted from Humble’s remarkable achievements within the sector over the past three years, with Humble Capital Group having assisted multiple companies in raising over $1B in capital.

Humble, a former consultant and VP in the pharmaceutical sector, founded Humble Capital Group in 2018. He realized he could utilize the global network of business and investor relationships he had made over the years, to better assist Pre-IPO technology startups navigate the often complicated and confusing world of funding and capital raises.

In response to a question on the driving force behind his success, Humble stated that he believes it really comes down to his being able to offer these startups a chance to get in front of vetted, serious investors, right from the start. While at the same time, also helping his investors save enormous time and resources by knowing Humble Capital Group has already run each startup through stringent vetting procedures, before they are ever presented.

Reflecting on being given the September 2021 cover story, Humble stated, “I was extremely honored to have received the cover. I hope the information I provided in the interview will serve to offer some guidance to the young CEO’s and Founders looking to begin their journey. However, I also hope they can learn from some of the mistakes that I shared from my own experience. They need to know it’s ok to make mistakes along their journey, as long as they can learn and grow from them.”

Humble also reminisced on some other major life moments, struggles, and achievements from the past few years, which have helped him in achieving the success he enjoys today. However, the one thing he emphasized as being the most important personal achievement to him, wasn’t his business success at all, but rather marrying the love of his life, and starting a family together.

“My family is everything to me. They are the reason I do what I do, and why I am so driven. Everything I do is for them.”, Humble stated.

He also discussed his intentions for the future, and that his primary goal for the next year is to expand Humble Capital Group into additional global markets, and cement its place as a global leader in the sector.

Looking farther ahead, he said his aim is to spend more time on his philanthropic endeavors, through helping the charitable organizations he is passionate about, and also through sharing his knowledge and experiences with those who can truly benefit from it.

Humble closed the interview by sharing some of the key points he suggests for any young entrepreneur, CEO, Founder, or future Thought Leader/innovator.

Humble stated, “The key to being successful, and being personally fulfilled, is that you have to choose a career path surrounding something you love; something you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it. Then stay focused, and above all, stay consistent. Even when things get tough, it’s your consistency in putting in the hard work … that will set you apart from everyone else.”

Further information on Jason Humble can be found on his website jasonhumble.com, or by following him on Instagram at @IamJasonHumble.