Majority of U.S. Consumers Interested in Companies Who Produce Products Made From Plants

Majority of U.S. Consumers Interested in Companies Who Produce Products Made From Plants
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New research from the Plant Based Products Council (PBPC) shows growing interest in and demand for products made from renewable materials. The report illustrates a growing awareness of and commitment to plant-based product offerings, along with the specific inputs used to create them. The study also underscores consumer interest in supporting companies who produce and innovate plant-based products.

The second annual consumer survey of 1,054 adults, conducted June-July 2021, explores the public’s perception and understanding of renewable and sustainable materials and products.

Are plant-based products top of mind for consumers?

  • More than 4 in 10 consumers (44%) are committed to using plant-based products in their daily life or see opportunities to integrate them into their lives.
  • 57% of consumers reported using plant-based products at least once a week, up from 53% in 2020.
  • More than 2 in 3 consumers (65%) reported they sometimes, frequently or always think about products made from plants when making purchasing decisions, ordering takeout delivery, eating at a restaurant, purchasing clothes, or generally shopping.
  • 82% of consumers said they are at least somewhat likely to consider purchasing or using products made from plants in the next 3 months, with only 4% of respondents saying they are not at all likely to consider purchasing or using them.
  • Awareness of specific inputs used to create plant-based products increased since 2020:

– Familiarity with corn use in plant-based products jumped from 37% to 47%

– Familiarity with bamboo use in plant-based products jumped from 30% to 35%

– Familiarity with soybean use in plant-based products jumped from 26% to 31%

– Familiarity with hemp use in plant-based products jumped from 23% to 33%

The use or innovation of plant-based products significantly drives consumer interest

  • 89% of consumers are somewhat, very, or extremely likely to support a company that produces and/or uses products made from plants.
  • 61% of consumers are more interested in companies who produce or use plant-based products.
  • 62% are more interested in companies who are leading innovations in plant-based products.

“We’re excited by the results of this year’s consumer research study, as it underscores the public’s desire for increased innovation and expansion of plant-based products,” said Jessica Bowman, Executive Director of the Plant Based Products Council. “PBPC and our members are eager to educate consumers on the many benefits of plant-based products as we work with business, science, and government stakeholders to guide the U.S. toward a more sustainable and responsible economy.”