Meditation, a Habit and a Lifestyle, With Luis Alvarado, the Founder of Unlimited Leverage

Meditation, a Habit and a Lifestyle, With Luis Alvarado, the Founder of Unlimited Leverage
Luis Alvarado

For Luis Alvarado, the founder of Unlimited Leverage, learning how to touch his inner resources through meditation gave an upward spike to his career as a DeFi investment mentor over the past year.

“In my work as an investor and my life in general, meditation has become critical; it really changed my life,” said Luis during a recent interview. “With meditation, you are not tied to your identity or limitations, and you can become whoever you want and create whatever you want.”

Luis is a successful DeFi investor and a renowned DeFi investment mentor. He developed the Unlimited Leverage Passive Income Accelerator program, an online course that teaches students to generate high-return passive income streams through crypto. At his company, Luis has helped hundreds of investors worldwide dive into the crypto market and gain financial independence.

Working as an investor can become a mental prison if one is caught up in the grind of the ever-fluctuating market. Precisely, this was the case for Luis, who in early 2020 found himself hunted by anxiety and stress, which began to deteriorate his health.

After not finding an answer from doctors on how to alleviate his condition, Luis discovered in meditation a medium to free his mind from stress and tap into his inner strengths to reach his full potential.

In a video interview back in January, Luis sat to talk about some of the daily habits that have been critical in his work. He discussed how his encounter with meditation became a game-changer in his career as an investor and investment mentor.

In early 2021, Luis began his meditation journey out of a desire to relieve the inflammation caused by stress and overcome the anxiety that his fast paced life was creating. Searching through the internet how to break the vicious cycle he had fallen into, he stumbled upon his first mentor in the art of meditation and healing, Dr. Joe Dispenza.

“I am big on personal development and investing in myself, so when my illness happened, I said, ‘ok, who is the expert? Who do I need to learn from?’” narrated Luis. “I came across Dr. Joe Dispenza. I liked his story because he was hit by a truck and was almost paralyzed, and then, he healed himself through thought alone.”

Luis invested to attend a retreat with Dr. Dispenza, which proved to be a life-changing experience.

Before attending the retreat, Luis had little knowledge about meditation. On the first day of the retreat, he recounts sitting in a room full of strangers and meditating for a total of eight hours. Here, he finally understood what it meant to connect with his inner self.

“Many people were trying to heal an illness or overcome a trauma,” recounted Luis, “but the real goal was to connect to the whole and enter a realm of infinite possibilities, where there is no time nor space.”

Gamechanger was the word that Luis repeatedly uttered as he described his first encounter with meditation. Dr. Dispenza’s retreat taught him how to overcome his personal limitations and access a state where he could create anything he could imagine.

Meditation became a habit for Luis after attending Dr. Dispenza’s retreat. Almost instantly, this new habit reshaped his mindset and changed his perception of the world.

“When you reach that breakthrough and access that elevated state, you are in balance, in a state of gratitude, where you are not worried about anything else,” said Luis. “Now, I practice meditation each morning before starting my day. I do a one-hour meditation, and that gets me aligned and allows me to enter an elevated state where I know everything is possible.”

Luis considers that meditation completely transformed his life perspective, giving him a renewed sense of purpose. Meditation opened his eyes to his call to teach others how to liberate themselves from the economic barriers of society. Today, with his “Passive Income Accelerator” program, he is committed to helping people from all corners of the globe transform their lives and gain financial independence.

“I have the ability to empower other people financially and help them break their own barriers and gain freedom,” concluded Luis. “I learned through meditation that we all have the power within ourselves to become the masters of our own life.”

By Juan Sebastian Restrepo
With Artistic Initiative Agency