Our goal is to create a football data system that will allow us to highlight talents from all horizons, young football prodigies. Our desire is to revolutionize the approach to detection by developing a quantitative and qualitative database of any young unclassified player. This will allow them to be integrated into the world of professional football in clubs adapted to their talent and to make these currently declining clubs evolve.
What is AAD Invest Group?
The birth of this project was inspired by my meetings with some of the players in the football world and my own past experiences in this field.
I have been a player’s agent as well as an advisor for different clubs and also an investor for these same clubs.
My last experience was in the world of private banking (Arkea), where I set up a new department for high-level athletes (First Arkéa business coach). It was the combination of this last experience and my knowledge of the sports world that gave me the impetus to set up this innovative project.

What is the objective of AAD invest Group?
Our goal is to put the player back at the heart of the system and to bring back the magic of football by searching for young talents unknown to the general public. Just like in the professional world, we make talent detection our priority. Our desire is also to accompany them from the beginning of their career and throughout their journey in our future galaxy of clubs because, currently, the football environment is often compared to a sporting and financial nebula. Our objective is to modernize and centralize the system of detection of young prodigies from all walks of life and, above all, wherever they may be so that each talent has the same chance of being discovered.
How will you proceed?
We are in the process of creating a data application that will enable us to put 21st-century technology at the service of sport.
This involves setting up a cell of scouts who will travel the world collecting data in various situations. This will highlight the qualities of young talents that are not listed or classified, such as during their training sessions and matches, but also their physical characteristics and their psychological strengths. This data will be cross-referenced with the needs of our clubs, and will form a clear database. At any moment, we will be able to obtain a precise and instantaneous photograph of each young player and their qualities. Thus, we will be able to offer the different clubs quality young players corresponding to their specific research in record time.

So why take on clubs and not just scouting?
Our desire and our wish are really that the players can evolve in the right place and at the right time, which is a guarantee of the success of the project.
The acquisition of clubs in different European countries will allow us to master this environment even more. This will allow us to really put the player in the right club and to be an active player in the market of detection and recruitment of young players. It is by being present in different geographical areas that we will be able to be effective, as the needs are different according to the type of championship and the style of play of the clubs. Gathering comprehensive data will ensure success and guarantee that both the young prodigy will fit in and the club will have a player that matches their expectations and needs in every way. We have seen that with the current system and the usual practices, a young player can evolve in France in a “top level” way but not be adapted, nor evolve in the same way in the Italian championship or in the English championship. Each player has his own qualities that allow him to blossom and each league has its own ways of playing. The football industry does not have the same impact in different European countries. Even though European clubs compete in the league, the approach and place of football is different in each country. Our goal of acquiring clubs will allow for better development of young unknown players. They will be placed and accompanied in the best conditions thanks to the data collected from detection 3.0. The profile of the player will correspond totally to the needs of the club, but not only, the first club proposed will be the one where the player can best express his talent, where he can blossom and perform.
Have you already bought any clubs?
We are in the process of validating certain interests that we have in France, in Italy but also in England and Spain. Our aim is to acquire clubs in the 2nd or 3rd divisions in order to accompany them in a serene evolution on all levels, whether it be on a sporting, organizational or financial level. Our desire is to move our clubs into the higher divisions thanks to these new talents that we want to help grow in an environment that corresponds to them.
Are you experienced in this type of exercise (buying clubs)?
In the past, I have assisted the Binzahed Group in Dubai in the acquisition of football clubs in Europe. I learned a lot from Mr. Midhat Kidwai, their CEO, more precisely in the club acquisition exercise during the different years of our collaboration.
I have surrounded myself with different experts in the field, Mr Dominique BAILLY, founding president of the Alésia Group, former Senator of the French Republic and Quaestor of the Senate who brought back the famous bill on the professionalization of sport in France. But also the Licorne Gulf group, a recognized investment company with an international network and numerous contacts, particularly in the Middle East. It forms a bridge between investors and assists me in the various stages and procedures for buying a club.

How do you think your project is different from other buy-outs we are currently seeing in Europe?
We are, of course, similar in the sense, but our aim is not only to develop clubs, but to do so by developing young players who do not come from football academies, who are not lucky enough to have connections or sporting contacts in the football world. Our aim is to get crypto investors to participate in the player’s development. Our goal is to boost European clubs by going out to find these unknown young prodigies with a certain gift and ability but no experience. Coming from Africa, America and Asia, they will have been detected thanks to our 3.0 data collection platform. It is thanks to this application and this complete and instantaneous detection system, and above all to the support and coaching in our clubs, that we will revolutionize and breathe new life into the European market, which is running out of steam. How many European clubs are at the end of their tether and in full decline because they no longer have the means to buy players. Our goal is not philanthropic, but we want clubs to become training clubs that evolve and grow along with their players. As I said earlier, the players must be at the center of the sporting project and not just financial transactions.
Why do you say that you want the European market to evolve?
Currently many clubs are on the decline and are closing their doors in France as in many other European countries. Many personalities thought that investing in a club was only a financial investment. But a club is like a company and like this one, it must renew itself regularly to be successful, but it does not always have the means to buy already renowned players to continue to keep its level.
Our METAAD 7 project allows these clubs to develop their team thanks to our Data platform, to find young players corresponding to their criteria, like the recruitment platforms with young graduates who wish to join the working world. We will find on this platform the CV, the profile of each young player.
This database is a real revolution, nothing like it exists in the world. Nor in any other sport. (So it can be adapted to all sports).
Our European market continues to detect players in an artisanal way, recruiters have to go several times and above all they only go if they have received a message or a contact. Our project will make it possible to see in one click the qualities and characteristics of the player, his capacities, his skills and his possibilities of progression. Our role will be to accompany these young talented players, unknown to the football world, to find the club that best suits them to progress, but also to continue to accompany and follow these players once they are in that club.
In my opinion, the market has not yet matured, despite a small downturn in many European football clubs.
So we have to seize this opportunity to achieve and realize many beautiful things in the world of sport.
You talk about detection 3.0 and with a name like METAAD 7, one cannot help but think of the Metaverse. Is there a connection?
Indeed, we are also going to develop a unique ecosystem, with the transposition, in the Metaverse universe, of everything I mentioned earlier in this interview, but not only…
It will be possible, in our Metaverse ecosystem, to have our own METAAD 7 sports academy, a performance expertise center where data will be centralized, a medical center, our own stadium, to organize major events in this same stadium, such as football tournaments (of course) but also concerts with renowned artists (for charities among others), talk shows to present young talents, etc.
As you can see, this project aims at a double valorization, in the real world as well as in the virtual world. In other words, with the adaptation of the concept to other sports, we are heading for a real upheaval in the sports and societal environment.
Doudou Cisse aadcisse@outlook.fr
Dominique BAILLY dbailly@groupe-alesia.com
@licornegulf 2022