New Book, ER Doctor, Reveals the Behind-the-Scenes Stories of an American Doctor

New Book, ER Doctor, Reveals the Behind-the-Scenes Stories of an American Doctor
© Natanael Melchor

Emergency Room doctor Paul Weinberg has spent more than 30 years in one of the busiest medical departments in the U.S. and has now decided to share the most interesting, shocking and saddest stories from his extraordinary career in his first professional memoir – ER Doctor.

Emergency medicine in America is a critical asset to its healthcare system. The ER doctor is located at the interface of the public and the first point of healthcare, where no one is turned away.

“US doctor shares the most interesting, shocking and saddest stories from his extraordinary career in his first professional memoir – ER Doctor.”

Whenever a doctor is needed, whether outside office hours, or at nights, or holidays, or if the patient is uninsured or has inadequate insurance, or is under a social state, where they might be unpleasant to be around – they are all seen by the ER doctor, no situation is off-limits.

Weinberg tells his stories with honesty and authenticity, revealing what it is really like to be an ER doctor in Emergency Medicine, primarily in a community hospital in a major metropolitan area in California. He shares mind-blowing cases from headaches that turn out to be more, to finding a Twinkie wrapper in the fat folds of a 600 lb. woman, to diagnosing the rare disease botulism and to patching up gunshot wounds!

Dr. Paul Weinberg explains why he has decided to share his stories with the world: “The memoir came from the notes I took over my 30 years in the ER. Taking notes was originally a form of self-help to diminish my mild but chronic PTSD from my work in the field. Then it continued as I came across more and more people who would ask: “What is the worst thing you have seen/cared for?”. I realized there was plenty of interest in the uncommon events of ER life. As the project developed, I felt that my notes and experiences could be generally informative as insight into the Doctor-Patient relationship. Additionally, I wrote the book for my family and particularly my daughters, it could allow them some insight into their father and his life’s work.”

This biography captures the highs and lows of the ER doctor – and the knowledge and skills, beyond medicine, required to survive.

Michelle Podlesni, RN, Author of Unconventional Nurse: Going From Burnout to Bliss!, President of the National Nurses in Business Association says about ER Doctor: “I thoroughly enjoyed reading ER Doctor. Dr. Paul Weinberg’s stories are intriguing, insightful, and inspiring. His meaningful experiences over 30 years will have you rethinking how you understand healthcare and the ER.”