New CARGYZ NFT Explores the Heroes of the Auto Industry

New CARGYZ NFT Explores the Hero's of the Auto Industry

With all the mystery surrounding NFTs, one newcomer aims to shine a light on their therapeutic potential. The team at CARGYZ is taking their years of experience in the automotive field and focusing it on the power of the Metaverse. The auto industry is the backbone of the world economy and the last couple of years have been really tough. With lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and other mandates, the people of the auto industry are seriously fatigued. Everyone has experienced the byproduct of these production interruptions the toll was more than just skyrocketing prices. Many of these workers had to thrust themselves back into the workplace even in the face of a terrible pandemic. When it comes to auto manufacturing, delivery or sales there’s no such thing as working from home. This is why the CARGYZ team views them as unsung heroes.

NFTs are an interesting way to not only pay homage to all the workers but also to bridge the real world with the virtual one. Here’s how it works, NFTs can really be about anything, a bird, a house, or a mythical creature. You can create them, sell them, or even give them away. The interesting part is NFTs can help you get into certain places, like a club, especially in the Metaverse. The Metaverse is fast becoming a place for people to escape the everyday drag and find like-minded avatars in their favorite hangouts.

With a successful sellout on the first collection, CARGYZ hopes to purchase parcels in the Metaverse (yes, virtual land) and construct a place for auto insiders to go. Real estate is at an all-time high in the real world and prices have gone parabolic in the virtual world too.

Additionally, the team plans on working toward developing a comedy animated series outlining the everyday lives of CARGYZ. The hope is to lift spirits and add a bit of levity to what have been very difficult times. Doing this, the team took a lighthearted approach to the renderings of these champions of the chariot. Italian artist Mattia Tanieli generated a whimsical cast of characters sure to be loved by both industry insiders and the motoring public.

You can find out more about the CARGYZ project at