Paradox Group Changes the Way Clients Market to Investors

Paradox Group Changes the Way Clients Market to Investors

Paradox Group, a digital advertising agency that maximizes the growth potential of blockchain companies, is helping clients reach millions of investors. Declared the Best Blockchain Marketing Company in the UK by Vision Magazine in 2020, Paradox Group utilizes CPM and CPC campaigns to adhere to client budgets, while making the most of their advertising and bringing in a high return on investment.

The blockchain and decentralized finance industries have been struggling to reach their full potential because of an inability to increase brand awareness and connect with targeted audiences. Paradox co-founders Milo McCloud and Paul Burnham picked up on this market opportunity and harnessed their previous experience to bring strategic digital advertising options to blockchain companies.

Founded in 2019, McCloud and Burnahm merged their backgrounds in design and finance, respectively, plus their mutual experience in sales, to deliver a platform and agency that offers a groundbreaking service within a young and new industry.

“We started off building a consistent and stable financial strategy that would allow us to reliably serve our clients. Then Milo used his design expertise to develop an accessible and high-quality platform with smooth and integrated user experience and user interface in mind,” says Burnham.

“Our platform includes an advertisement marketplace that allows clients to track their advertising campaign and make adjustments and improvements at each round. So much of one’s success in these endeavors is using data points and information to adjust the plan moving forward, and our platform allows for this granular strategizing.”

While helping companies reach their full potential scale, Paradox Group solves two problems at once; they connect companies with platforms that will allow them to reach target audiences and simultaneously bring clients to platforms that were looking for additional business.

In the process, what has distinguished Paradox is the company’s focus on customer service and client experience. “We offer 24/7 support,” says McCloud. “We consistently place the client at the center of our business model and have therefore managed to hold a large share of the market within the industry.”

“In a new industry, and working within an even newer service, we have had to consistently adapt to regulatory, industry, and technological shifts while juggling the fluctuations in the market. Prioritizing our clients has made this process possible and allowed us to stick to a single focus and plan.”

What’s next for Paradox Group? Expansion into other industries. “We are intending to use our findings from working with blockchain companies to bring similar growth to other industries,” says Burnham. “We will be focusing on developing a bigger team and expanding our digital methods to ensure success in these ventures.”

Having successfully bridged the gap between advertisers and platforms in the decentralized finance field, McCloud and Burnham are confident that they will adapt to other industries with similar success. Keeping the customer at the center of their business model, they believe they have the foundations to grow significantly.

To learn more about Paradox Group, visit their website at