Ryan Lenett Shares 5 Qualities That All Leaders Must Possess to Succeed

Ryan Lenett Shares 5 Qualities That All Leaders Must Possess to Succeed
Ryan Lenett

Leaders are not born; they are made. This phrase inspires many people to step up and aspire toward the coveted position. But few have been able to crack the code and become successful leaders. What is their secret? If leaders are indeed made, what is the recipe? To find an answer to the question, we turned to Ryan Lenett — businessman, finance consultant, and a true leader.

Ryan has helmed and helped businesses grow into large seven-figure incomes revenue streams by leading the charge, he himself has individually achieved seven figures over the past few short years which took a lot of sacrifices. He is known for his brilliant strategies and pitches. But according to Ryan, the chemical X in this equation is his team. Beyond ideas, Ryan believes that a good and invested team delivers success. And the person who drives them to achieve these heights is a leader. Ryan has been this leader and motivated others to step up in all of his ventures. According to him, there are five qualities that all leaders should emulate:

  1. We, not I: An essential thing for a leader is to internalize the phrase “there is no I in a team.” A leader should always work from the ground up and involve his crew to succeed together.
  2. Selflessness: A leader should advance everyone and not just themselves. Selflessness and the desire to uplift fellow human beings are the marks of a good leader.
  3. Loyalty: A leader should be loyal to their followers and their ideals. Giving loyalty inspires loyalty.
  4. Willingness to learn: A leader should always be on the lookout to expand their worldview. Insights can come from anywhere. Be it from another leader, a follower, or any other channel, a leader should always keep an open mind.
  5. Never give up: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This phrase is exactly what a leader should be. In any situation, however dire, a leader should soldier on till the last possible moment, motivating others to do the same.

Leaders are a special breed. They are kind, selfless, inspiring, and dependable. All successful businesses have incredible leaders at their helm. By inspiring others, leaders like Ryan Lenett, in turn, create more leaders, furthering the cycle. And now that the qualities of a true leader are outlined, we are sure that we will see an entirely new generation of leaders rise and soon make the world a better place.