SAE Taipei Section Leads Delegation to Promote Taiwan-U.S. Auto-Electronics Cooperation

SAE Taipei Section Leads Delegation to Promote Taiwan-U.S. Auto-Electronics Cooperation
© Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC)

SAE Taipei Section of Taiwan, which is the only organization that directly links the vehicle domain with the U.S., will be leading a delegation to participate in the “2024 World Congress Experience (WCX)”, powered by SAE International. The aim of the delegation is to promote closer cooperation between the Taiwan-U.S. auto-electronics supply chain, technology, and regulations. The delegation will be led by SAE Taipei Section Chairman Jerry Wang, who is also the Chairman of the Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC) in Taiwan. The group includes industry leaders from local automakers, research institutes, and others, who will foster deep industry exchanges and international cooperation, ultimately contributing to sustainable net-zero goals.

Taiwan’s auto-electronics industry was valued at over NT$400 billion in 2023 and is expected to become a trillion-dollar sector under the continuous joint efforts of the government and private manufacturers. The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation, transitioning from traditional fuel-powered vehicles to the EV era, which has fundamentally changed the supply-chain systems and collaborations, making technical exchange and international cooperation crucial for industry development.

Leveraging its leading position in semiconductors, robust chip design capabilities, and mature vehicle communication technology, Taiwan’s vehicle industry provides a solid foundation for autonomous driving, auto-electronics, and EV technology. Chairman Wang estimates that EV penetration will reach 60% by 2040, with a market size approaching US$2 trillion, propelling the development of auto-electronics and intelligent transportation systems. AI technologies play a crucial role, including applications like smart-cockpit monitoring and driving scenarios simulation generated by AI.

The Taiwanese delegation will visit the SAE headquarters and participate in the 2024 SAE WCX upon arriving in Detroit. They will engage with SAE chapters from around the world and visit renowned companies such as Optimal Group and Humanetics, the world’s largest manufacturer of crash test dummies. The itinerary also includes exploring the latest developments in GM’s autonomous virtual technology applications. The journey extends to California, where they will visit Tesla in San Francisco, further exploring opportunities for Taiwan-U.S. collaboration in the ADAS supply chain.

The SAE will collaborate with the Michigan Chinese Academic and Professional Association, a group of experts based in Detroit, to co-host the “2024 North America Automotive Technology Conference”. This platform will facilitate sharing the latest trends in intelligent vehicles and discussions on future development, promoting further cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. in critical system areas such as smart vehicle electrification.