Safe and Non-Invasive: Frequencies Will Help the Medical Field, According to F-Effect

Safe and Non-Invasive: Frequencies Will Help the Medical Field, According to F-Effect

Some procedures done in medical settings may be painful, uncomfortable, or result in catastrophic complications in addition to being costly. As such, these procedures can cause stress, anxiety, and fear in some individuals, causing them to avoid seeking necessary medical care. Patients may also forego medical procedures when alternative options are available.

Frequencies and the medical field

The role of sound & vision extends beyond the range of frequencies that are audible to humans. Ultrasonic and other silent acoustic waves have aided medical and scientific progress. Medical applications for low sound frequencies include imaging, diagnostics, and disease treatment.

Using various frequencies of sound waves, imaging techniques such as ultrasound and MRI produce a visual representation of the internal body, allowing medical professionals to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses effectively. Moreover, specific frequencies can stimulate the body’s natural production of endorphins and other healing hormones. This effect can lead to reduced swelling, accelerated healing, and alleviated pain.

Sound frequencies for better mood and wellbeing

In the past few decades, there has been extensive research into the use of sound frequencies to enhance mood. One of these new-age therapies uses binaural beats. This therapy takes advantage of the fact that each ear receives a slightly different frequency tone, but the brain perceives them as a single tone. According to the proponents of this therapy, potential benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced psychomotor performance and mood, and increased focus.

In addition, some research suggests that exposing the brain to specific sound frequencies can help alleviate depression in some individuals. For example, classical music and natural sounds can stimulate the brain in a way that reduces anxiety and boosts mood.

Leveraging sound frequencies

The F-effect is a company leading the charge to harness the power of frequencies. Its scientists recently studied the effects of sound frequencies on patients. They concluded that listening to a particular frequency during a medical procedure could reduce cortisol levels, also known as the stress hormone.

F-effect has made it possible for many people to use sound frequencies by combining the benefits of vibrational therapy, fractal audio-visual stimulation, and theta frequency technology. People can access and stream the “Gateway Collection” from the F-EFFECT’s website.

A potential alternative to anesthesia

Reducing anesthesia during certain procedures makes complications in one’s breathing and circulation less likely. Listening to F-effect frequencies throughout a surgical procedure can sometimes lower patients’ sedative requirements, which can help patients recover faster and achieve a better outcome.