Swiss Healthtech – Medtech Investment Trends 2023 and Beyond

Swiss Healthtech - Medtech Investment Trends 2023 and Beyond
L-R: Mathieu Berger General Partner and Co-founder, Jean-Pierre Rosat, PhD, General Partner and Co-founder and Valentin Chenaux General Partner

4FOX Ventures is a leading Swiss healthcare and technology-focused venture capital fund with experienced General Partners with background and expertise in entrepreneurship, healthcare and investment.

Initiated in 2016 by Jean-Pierre Rosat, a scientist who became a serial entrepreneur in Switzerland, and Mathieu Berger, a Swiss regulated asset manager known for being an active early investor in various successful start-ups, such as Moderna, 4FOX currently manages over USD 65M from a diversified investors base (pension funds, insurances, family offices, etc.). 4FOX is invested in 10 innovative and fast-growing companies active in medical technologies and applied artificial intelligence in Switzerland.

Now fully invested, 4FOX is launching its 2nd fund, with a specific focus on healthcare technologies, the team’s core expertise, and a model facilitating the Asian market expansion for its portfolio companies. Actually, over the years, 4FOX has established a well-defined Asian expansion model allowing its companies to focus on the EU and US markets while tackling the Asian /Chinese market through self-funded local joint ventures.

Building on that strategy, 4FOX is now looking to raise the largest Swiss healthcare dedicated venture capital fund and allow Swiss companies to be supported internationally across their whole life cycle.

“Switzerland has always been one of the most innovative countries in the world, especially in the field of health and life sciences. 4FO is ideally positioned to benefit from this industry. Our hands-on experience and remarkable network will ensure healthy returns for our investors. But, beyond pure financial investments, we also aim at creating an interactive human-scale fund based on transparency and collaboration, where we offer our investors the opportunity to selectively co-invest in our companies and encourage them to bring their respective geographical and/or sectorial expertise.”  JP Rosat, General Partner and co-founder 4FOX.

With a clear geographical and industry focus, 4FOX will be ideally positioned to find the best healthcare investments in Switzerland. Thanks to its experienced team of General Partners and exceptional advisors’ network, it will finance, assist and help its portfolio companies reach maturity, providing solid financial returns for 4FOX’s Limited Partners.

In the coming years, it is expected that new technologies such as 3D printing, multifactorial AI-driven analysis, and/or nanotechnologies will be used in various fields such as diagnostic and implants. However, this will require significant funding for the companies that develop such innovative approaches.

Moreover, an ageing population will require to develop new approaches to tackle neurodegenerative conditions and mental health, something that was neglected for a very long time. These pathologies will represent a significant and growing part of the healthcare costs for the decades to come, opening huge financial opportunities for companies that will be able to successfully bring to the market diagnostic tools and treatments for these conditions.

4FOX believes that we are entering into a new era where health treatment will be composed of combined technologies, such as assisted medicine, AI-driven diagnostic, robotics and tailored treatments. Insurance costs will need to be reduced and next-generation therapies will aim at optimization, better outcome and overall cost-savings. Switzerland is ideally positioned to continue in its role of best-in-class and provide future ground-breaking treatments for patients worldwide. It is one of the most innovative countries in the world, ranking first for the last twelve consecutive years at the Global Innovation Index and first in the number of patents per capita. On the opposite, Asia, and more particularly China, which is expected to experience its healthcare golden age in the next 10 years, lacks for now the strong creative drive found in Switzerland but has proved to possess key know-how in technical software, big data processing, AI, pattern recognition in unstructured data, enabling to achieve cost reduction during R&D process and industrial solutions at scale.

4FOX intends to benefit from the exceptional Swiss creativity and innovation and help his companies take develop in this new promising Asian market, at little risk and no direct costs, while keeping their usual EU and US product development path.
