The 5 Leading Privacy Solutions You Need This Upcoming Q2

The 5 Leading Privacy Solutions You Need This Upcoming Q2

Privacy is one of the most important things we need, especially when we’re immersed in the online world–whether we’re individuals or part of a company. Too often, people and organizations alike are becoming victims of all kinds of cyber-attacks and it leaves us vulnerable to valuable data being stolen.

As technology evolves, so do the different ways our privacy and security can be breached. So, companies are pressured now more than ever to include data protection and security in their quarterly strategic goals. But this is not an easy thing to do especially if there are too many regulations and not enough knowledge on how we can make this possible.

Luckily, several companies are paving the way into bridging this gap for us. Here are the top 5 privacy solutions you need this upcoming quarter:

Mine PrivacyOps

Mine PrivacyOps has only one goal in mind: to simplify privacy policies and processes for companies without causing risks and unexpected legal repercussions. They focus on creating an end-to-end solution for them to comply with data privacy regulations whether it’s consent management, data mapping, privacy request management, or vendor risk assessment.

With them, companies will be able to seamlessly integrate this solution into their systems and processes. Ultimately, Mine PrivacyOps protects companies from experiencing the huge cost incurred from failing to comply with regulations–whether it’s legal penalties, loss of brand trust, or even damage to their reputation.


What makes Transcend unique is its future thinking quality that leads brands with solutions that are paved for the laws of tomorrow. They create an opportunity for companies to build stronger relationships with their customers through respectful and compliant data transparency, consent, and control.

Guided by their principles, Transcend builds the bridge of trust between companies and their customers through automated privacy requests, consent without tradeoffs, data mapping for a more visible data governance, and assessments to mitigate data processing risks. Whether it’s in the consumer, healthcare, fintech, media, or B2B industries, companies know that they’re in safe hands.


DataGrail believes that privacy should be companies’ brand differentiator. With their solutions, they aim to build transparency by building robust platforms. This empowers individuals to have more control over their privacy and personal information.

With a confusing and often complex way of achieving privacy, DataGrail removes complicated, manual, and time-consuming processes that come with complying with privacy laws and regulations. And they make this possible through their easy-to-use privacy program which includes data mapping, automated data subject requests, and unified preference management.


With the exponential growth of data comes a plethora of opportunities but it also comes with dangerous security, compliance, and privacy risks. Securiti understands this and has made it its mission to allow companies to safely harness the power of data and the cloud by mitigating the complex risks that abound.

With this goal in mind, Securiti has made it possible for companies to automate compliance with global privacy regulations in domains that include privacy, security, governance, and marketing which can cover thousands of integrations across data systems–whether it’s Microsoft 365, Salesforce, or Oracle.


Osano’s objective is to protect companies from privacy fines and damaging headlines by managing their privacy programs that encompass consent management, subject rights, data discovery, vendor management, assessments, and GDPR representatives. This privacy company’s belief in their system is guided by their No Fines, No Penalties Pledge wherein they shoulder fines for clients if they receive a platform-related fine from a Data Protection Authority. To Osano’s mind, if lawmakers are confused about how to implement and regulate data privacy laws, it could be that businesses are just as confused. This compliance-in-a-box solution can take away every fear companies have when it comes to managing and monitoring their privacy compliance.