The Secret to Building a Multi-Million Dollar Company: Insights From ClickFunnels CPO Todd Dickerson

The Secret to Building a Multi-Million Dollar Company: Insights From ClickFunnels CPO Todd Dickerson
Todd Dickerson

It’s an impressive feat for any company to achieve $100 million dollars, but it’s even more impressive that ClickFunnels reached this milestone in just a span of three years. Founded in 2014 by Todd Dickerson and Russell Brunson, the company has quickly become a leading player in the industry.

What’s the key to their success? According to co-founder and CPO Todd Dickerson, it’s all about delivering value. “We focus on making sure that our customers achieve their goals,” says Brunson. “That means always putting them first and making sure they’re getting real results.” And it seems to be working; Clickfunnels’ customer base continues to grow year after year.

Dickerson is Clickfunnels’ secret weapon. He has the rare ability to see how marketing and software development intersect to create a successful business pipeline. His expertise in both functions makes him an invaluable part of ClickFunnels.

His love for computers began when he was just a kid, and it didn’t take long before web design and software development caught his attention. He spent hours on end exploring how this worked – eventually leading him towards web design jobs in middle school. Through it became clear that he wanted more than just a one-off gig–he wanted to go after what many people only dream about: owning your own company.

With a huge record of success stories to back them up, ClickFunnels has helped more business owners generate millions than any other landing page or funnel software on the market. They’ve processed over $6 billion in revenue for their clients and that number is only going to grow as they continue to dominate the market. Not to mention, they have over 100,000 satisfied users who love their product.

With his decades of experience in the industry, Dickerson understands what it takes to be successful. Combining his expertise in software development and marketing, he was able create a multi-million business that is set up for more success ahead.

Connect with Todd on Instagram to learn more about him and his work.