Thinkzilla Launches New DEI Scorecard to Help Organizations Grow Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Focus

Consulting firm excels in DE&I training, programs and initiatives.

Thinkzilla Launches New DEI Scorecard to Help Organizations Grow Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Focus
Thinkzilla Consulting

Arizona – Companies with ethnically diverse executive teams outperform their peers by a full 33 percent when it comes to profitability, according to a recent McKinsey report, and yet many companies still come up short in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion work. That’s where Thinkzilla Consulting, a Minority-Owned brand engagement firm, comes in.

Thinkzilla has launched a proprietary DEI scorecard for clients. The scorecard can be used for audits, to support training and programs, and to help organizations build more inclusive workplaces and workforces. The only firm that combines program development with extensive DE&I expertise, a network of thousands of minority-led business suppliers, and full-service marketing capabilities.

“Every organization should develop DE&I goals customized to their team, their industry, and their goals, which is why we launched this scorecard,” said the CEO of Thinkzilla Consulting, Velma Trayham, who was recently featured in the Business News Ledger for her DE&I work. “Based on feedback from companies interested in growing their diversity and inclusion programming and outreach, the scorecard can be part of your strategic plan and overall growth efforts. It’s all about inspiring change in a meaningful way.” 

After launching the United Diversity Business Summit in 2021 with a proclamation from the city of Scottsdale, Ariz., Thinkzilla’s team in Scottsdale, Atlanta, and Houston has continued to innovate and support minority business owners through its work in supplier diversity program development & evaluation, Marketing Services, and DE&I assessments and training.

“While everyone knows that diverse, inclusive, and equitable companies do better across many metrics, not every organization knows how to get there,” said Dr. Trayham. “Our data, our knowledge, and our passion can help organizations of all sizes get the information they need to take equitable action and make a true difference.”
About Thinkzilla Consulting Group 
Thinkzilla Consulting helps organizations create a positive economic impact through cultural diversity. Making brands more relevant and building meaningful connections between brands and consumers. For more information on Thinkzilla or to schedule a consultation, please visit