Smart investors are always on the lookout for new businesses which have the potential to transform their industry – and explode exponentially in growth as a result. One of those which has caught our eye lately is Black Bird Biotech – a publicly-traded company with a game-changing natural proposition for multiple arms of the agriculture industry.
The business specializes in developing powerful biotech products. The crowning jewel in this hidden gem of a company is its EPA-registered biopesticide, MiteXstreamTM, on which the company was founded. It works to eliminate dangerous molds and mildews in crops, as well as eradicate spider mites, which are a lethal pest in cannabis, hops, coffee, strawberries, and other fresh farmed produce. The big difference here is that this is a ‘reimagined’ pesticide, and not a poison, as many lesser competitors would be – as such, it can be used right through to the day of harvest without leaving any concerning residue and keeping crops naturally free from any pesticide violations.

There are three big reasons why this is so important right now. First, toxic pesticides are a big issue. They are harmful to the farmers who use them, the environment, including depleting the global population of bees, and the end consumer, too. In fact, despite increased awareness of all of our health, wellbeing, and the environment, recent studies show that US agriculture is 48 times more toxic now than it was 25 years ago.
Not only is this toxicity bad for our wellbeing, but it’s bad for the industry, too: according to official reports, US organic food sales grew by over 12% percent last year from the previous year. At the same time, the trend towards natural, organic produce for consumers is here to stay: another recent report, published this month, forecasts that US organic food market is set to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% through to 2026.
The demand for natural, organic crops is clear. Now, businesses at all stages of the agriculture supply chain require the products to meet that need, and Black Bird Biotech is facilitating exactly that.
Second, this reimagined pesticide product has an overwhelming implication for the ever-growing CBD market – an incredibly wise industry to invest in as early on as possible. One of the most rapidly expanding industries in the world right now, the global market is projected to grow at least 51% by 2030, and MiteXstreamTM poses a crucial solution in the farming of CBD products. Residual pesticides are a number one cause of violations in state cannabis testing – so, as this product offers a unique safe alternative, expect it to grow in accordance with the CBD market in general.
Third, despite the growth potential of the above industries and the seemingly perfect combination of opportunities, right now Black Bird Biotech stock is grossly undervalued – which is excellent news for investors looking to get in on a company with huge growth potential.
Buy now while the price is low and hold before the business grabs the attention of the general public – these shares have the potential to grow just as well as the crops its products protect.
DISCLAIMER: This article is strictly the author’s opinion. All stocks involve risks and the possibility of losing all of your investment. Please consider all risks before investing and consult with an investment advisor if you lack experience. Article provided in part by strategic innovations, who are paid for by the company for social media and research reports.