TicketsCandy: Reducing Inflation Impact on Event Organizers and Goers

TicketsCandy: Reducing Inflation Impact on Event Organizers and Goers

High inflation levels have been plaguing the economy and having negative effects on almost all businesses, including those in the event industry. These high rates cause products and services to go up in price, meaning consumers have less discretionary income to spend on attending events. This is a huge concern for event organizers and goers alike. 

TicketsCandy noticed this concern and has taken action to help make events affordable for everyone. Read on to learn about the impact inflation is having on event organizers and goers, as well as how TicketsCandy is addressing said impact. 

How Inflation Impacts Event Goers

As goods and services rise in price, individuals have to start determining what they can and cannot afford. Just because inflation goes up, does not mean that an individual’s income is going up at the same rate. As a result, their income cannot buy them as much as it could in the past. 

Due to this, many individuals will start to deem events as unnecessary expenses and begin to cut them out of their budget. They will still likely have some discretionary spending but will put it towards more affordable goods and services. 

If an event has high prices coupled with high fees, individuals will likely not purchase tickets. However, if an event can keep its prices down, individuals may consider still attending as part of their budget for discretionary spending. 

How Inflation Impacts Event Organizers

As inflation goes up, so does the price of tickets. Higher ticket prices can result in lower attendance rates at events as individuals find it hard to justify the expense. Selling tickets during inflation can be challenging, as potential attendees may be more hesitant to spend on non-essential activities. Lower attendance rates result in fewer profits for event organizers.

Organizers often try to combat this issue by either lowering ticket prices or reducing the number of events they offer. Both options can lead to a loss in profits and possible job cuts if not done correctly. 

Event organizers also tend to offer discounts or promotions to entice people to buy tickets, as consumers will believe they are getting a good deal. Plus, they will offer payment plans or financing options. This can make tickets more affordable for people, as they will not have to pay the full price all at once.

All these solutions are not ideal, as they still usually result in event organizers losing some profit. This is where platforms like TicketsCandy come into play with a solution that doesn’t take away from the event organizer’s income. 

How TicketsCandy Helps Event Organizers

High inflation rates negatively impact both event organizers and eventgoers. To combat this issue, TicketsCandy has come up with a solution to lower ticket prices for eventgoers while not cutting into event organizers’ profits. 

To achieve this, TicketsCandy has made its ticketing platform completely free for event organizers. It can do this by passing its low fee of 0.9% directly to eventgoers at checkout. By doing so, it enables event organizers to keep all their profits from their ticket sales. 

TicketsCandy also offers advanced marketing tools to ensure organizers best market their events. Plus, they will share events of all sizes on their own social platforms to increase awareness and ticket sales. 

How TicketsCandy Helps Event Goers

Most ticketing platforms add between a 7-20% service fee to the price of tickets, drastically increasing the price consumers must pay. Since TicketsCandy has the lowest fee on the market, it keeps the price of event tickets down. The lower the price of tickets, the more accessible they are to individuals who have less discretionary income to spend. 

As a result, individuals can buy tickets to events they love without having to worry about whether or not they can afford them. In a time when disposable income levels are low, being able to invest in an event that is considered valuable without having to worry if there will be enough money left over for necessary expenses can be quite enjoyable. 

The Impact of Inflation

No one can know for certain when inflation will go down and people will begin spending more recreationally again. The extended period of inflation that has been negatively impacting the U.S. will continue to affect individuals’ purchasing decisions which will in turn continue to affect ticket sales. 

TicketsCandy will continue to provide ticketing services that allow events to be easily accessible and affordable for eventgoers. As a result, event organizers can continue to profit from successful events even in periods of high inflation. We suggest keeping an eye on this growing ticketing platform as it continues to make events more affordable for everyone.