Roger Kurian’s Blueprint for Success: Navigating the IT Industry as a Newcomer

Roger Kurian's Blueprint for Success: Navigating the IT Industry as a Newcomer
Roger Kurian

Navigating the complexities of the IT industry can be daunting for newcomers, but Roger Kurian, a seasoned veteran with over 25 years of experience, offers a blueprint for success that demystifies the journey. With a career spanning prominent financial institutions and technological giants, Kurian’s insights are not just valuable; they are a roadmap for those at the threshold of their IT careers.

Kurian, who has held esteemed positions at JP Morgan and Shell, knows the IT landscape like the back of his hand. Yet, when asked for advice for newcomers, his guidance is refreshingly straightforward: “It is always important to take baby steps and learn your way very well,” he advises, emphasizing the criticality of building a solid foundation.

His own ascent began with humble beginnings and a student visa to pursue a master’s degree in computer science at Kent State University. It was here that Kurian laid the groundwork for his future, a testament to the power of education and the value of starting small. “I started my career working in a small jewelry company,” he recalls, underscoring the significance of every experience, no matter how modest it may seem.

Kurian doesn’t just preach the need for a robust educational background; he embodies it. His thesis at Kent State led to a published work that received accolades, demonstrating the impact of scholarly pursuit on career advancement. “This thesis defense and presentation… were steppingstones in my academic journey,” he reflects, revealing the long-term benefits of academic rigor.

For those starting out, Kurian highlights the importance of certifications, a reflection of the industry’s evolving nature. With active certifications like Certified Scrum Master and Certified Scrum Product Owner, he illustrates the ongoing need for professional development. “Scrum is big; agile processes are huge,” he notes, pointing to the necessity of staying current with industry standards and methodologies.

His journey is marked by significant milestones, from implementing a pioneering asset and resource management product to earning the Bronze President’s Volunteer Service Award for his philanthropic work. However, the cornerstone of his advice remains constant: the need for a gradual, well-informed progression through the ranks.

“The IT industry has been rewarding,” Kurian says, “but making a tangible difference in people’s lives? That’s invaluable.” This sentiment underlines his belief in the potential for IT to serve broader societal needs, a vision he hopes to pass on to the next generation of IT professionals.

For Kurian, the journey of an IT professional is akin to programming – it requires patience, attention to detail, and an understanding of the language before one can create complex code. “Take baby steps,” he reiterates, “really understand all the nitty-gritties tied to all the roles within an organization.”

In essence, Roger Kurian’s blueprint for success in the IT industry is a composite of education, experience, and ethical practice. For newcomers, his story is not just inspiring but instructive, offering a clear path to follow. It’s a narrative that resonates with the core tenets of growth and learning, underscoring that in the fast-paced world of IT, the most successful are often those who are willing to start at the very beginning and build their way up, one line of code at a time.