Precision Medicine Trailblazer Nuvectis Pharma Secures FDA Orphan Drug Designation for NXP800
The Orphan Drug Designation is more than just a regulatory milestone—it’s a strategic advantage that could dramatically reshape the future of Nuvectis Pharma.
Curative Releases a New Study Revealing a Healthcare Affordability Crisis in Georgia: Even the Insured Can’t Afford Care
Study Shows 69% of Georgia Employees And Families with Health Insurance Are Depleting Savings, Cutting Essential Expenses, or Increasing Credit Card Debt to Pay for Health Care.
MetAlert Extinguishes Toxic Debt and Launches New Medical Devices
Research Now Price Targets MLRT at $1 - Making it a Stock to Watch
Hospital for Endocrine Surgery Celebrates Treating 10,000th Surgical Patient
Photo caption: Dr. Clayman and Dr. Roy pictured with the Hospital for Endocrine Surgery’s 10,000th patient, Ari Fischer, and his family, who traveled from Ecuador to have surgery at the Clayman Thyroid Center.
FDA Issues Improvement Plan Focused on Modernizing Foodborne Illness Outbreak Responses
The following is attributed to Frank Yiannas, FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, and Stic Harris, D.V.M. director of the FDA's Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network
Holidays Are a Prime Time to Discover Assisted Living at the Carolina Inn
Signs to look for to determine if it's time for assisted living
ChristianaCare Announces $500,000 in Scholarships for Students Pursuing Health Fields, in Partnership With HBCU Week Foundation
Scholarships designed to help diversify the workforce and improve health equity
FDA Approves Besremi to Treat Adults With Polycythemia Vera
The FDA granted the approval of Besremi to PharmaEssentia Corporation
Fusionex Facilitates Sewing Center’s Transition to Manufacturing Vital PPE for Frontline Healthcare Workers
A representative from Fusionex and Batik Boutique delivering the personal protective equipment (PPE) to Dr Raymond George Varughese from Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Photo: Business Wire)
Statement From FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D., on Ensuring Access to Safe and Effective Treatments
Joint Statement with CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure