OcyonBio Appoints Robert Salcedo as Chief Executive Officer
OcyonBio CDMO welcomes cell and gene therapy expert Robert Salcedo who brings over 20 years of expertise in the areas of CMC, operations, and supply chain management and has served in multi-billion-dollar companies operating in biotech, vaccines, and pharmaceutical markets.
Isotropic Systems and SES Redefine Global Satellite Services With First-Ever Multi-Orbit Field Tests
Isotropic Systems simultaneously connects multiple SES satellites across separate orbits to converge broadband satellite networks and provide industry-leading quality of service and experience
Amgen Begins Construction On New Biomanufacturing Plant In Central Ohio
Producing medicines for the United States, the plant features innovative technologies and advancements in sustainability
Is There Free Will or Everything is Predestined?
Written by Vinith Bejugam, Ph.D.
United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Critical National Security Mission for U.S. Space Force
Atlas V precisely delivered USSF-12 mission to a complex geosynchronous orbit
SciSparc Ltd: This Innovative Biotech May Have a 3.5x Upside
Meet SciSparc Ltd., the biotech disruptor with potential pipeline revenues of about $490,926,545